Dream analysis collection

Dreams as a sophisticated language

This website has attempted to gather together lots of different dreams all of which are linked to real life. If something big happens the day before you can virtually guarantee any dream will be about this big issue. If you had a major argument then can you imagine that a dream would be about anything else? If you believe that dreams link in any way to recent events then surely the study of big issue dreams will surely be an excellent way of studying dreams.

This huge collection of dreams has really opened up my own understanding of dreams. It has really given me an insight into the interpretation of dreams. In collecting together a huge bank of dreams we start to delve into how the mind dreams. Its not easy. But once you start to see the connection between recent issues and dreams then you can start to see how the dream mind works.

Just how far can dream interpretation be taken? Its easy to study the dreams when something big has happened the previous day. Once we have a grounding of how dreams work we can push the understanding forward. Dreams link to the way the mind formulates ideas. Take the following dream...

THE DREAM I am in the middle of an earthquake. The earth opens up and I think to myself that I will have to make a major effort to stay alive. I run for my very life as the earth collapses around me. I am then in a river with a group of soldiers. I am still running and I notice that there are soldiers there ready to pounce on anyone who breaks formation. We have to stay disciplined.

The way to interpret dreams is backwards. look for an issue which COULD have triggered a dream then see if the dream symbols seem consistent. In reality the day before the dreamers chronic hay fever had started to return. Recently this had disappeared. That was during a period of building work. The dreamer was thinking about this the night before. He noticed that it may have been greater discipline and the hustle and bustle of the building work that had help clear his system out.

Now take another look at the dream. The earthquake is symbolic of the disruption to his home life with builders working in his house. The soldiers represent a need for discipline and hard work. So try to translate this dream into a thought process. Perhaps it means the following - "When the builders were in my hay fever was much better. It was quite hectic and all the work seemed to make me feel better and improve my hey fever. Perhaps I need to try to stay as busy as when the builders were in. Before I was much lazier and I think this made the hay fever worse."

Such interpretations really push forward the understanding of dreams. this dream contains a sophisticated idea. We have taken a sophisticated idea that was forming in the mind of the dreamer. There is some very basic correlation between dream and reality. It deals with two themes disruption (earthquake) and hard work (soldiers marching). So we delve into the heart of the dream mind.
Take this following dream

THE DREAM I was watching some horse racing. I was looking at the paper to find the winners. Apparently I "knew" that people had been making money recently betting on horse racing and winning the gamble.

THE REALITY The dreamer was a statistician and had been working on a project. At first the efforts went to waste and few correlation’s could be made. At the time of the dream though the dreamer was feeling as though success was finally being achieved. The statistical programs he was designing were now truly reflecting reality. His knowledge of the subject was now making him feel as if he was able to predict certain things. He was able to back his hunches - it was no longer a matter of occasional random success.

Again this dream appears totally unrelated to the real life issue. The previous day the dreamer had been pleased with his success in his use of statistics. Previously he felt statistical predictions in this subject was almost impossible. It was rather like gambling on the horses. Yet here the dream captures a belief that the bookmakers could be beaten. In real life the dreamer was thinking how his statistical models were truly able to predict.

If this dreams meaning was to be translated into reality it would capture the following thought process - "I used to think that I could not use statistics with this subject. That anyone who thought this was a bit of a mug. But now I am confident that my statistical model is predicting reality."

So again the dream deals with deeply conceptual issues and thought processes.
The following dream is very typical of dreams

THE DREAM - I was on a bus going up a very huge hill - on the road to Whitby at Robin Hood's Bay. Its a very steep hill. Its the steepest hill I know. Its scary going up the hill in a slow bus. I always fear it will suddenly stop and go in reverse crashing down the hill. In the dream the bus suddenly stopped and started to go in reverse.

THE REALITY The dreamer was undergoing lots of change. Previously he had lacked confidence. Now he was tackling lots of situations which would have caused him anxiety. Just the previous night he had been thinking how well he had been doing. However, he felt he was capable of going into reverse. In real life he was meeting people and was feeling out of his depth.

So the dream was about this feeling. The mountainous hill symbolised the difficult situations he was tackling. The bus goes into reverse. So surely this dream captures the following thought process - "I have always lacked confidence. I have really improved and have been meeting people who are very influential. I worry that I could been taking on too much. I fear I might start to go in reverse and end up a lot worse".
Try interpreting this dream in reverse. In real life we know that the dreamer felt the following "My boss is back from holiday. Last week we had an easy time with no boss on our backs".

THE DREAM - The dream starts with me choosing a magazine in a store. I want a magazine with lots of pictures of pretty girls in. There is this girl - she is very pretty. She is going in the opposite direction to me. I find out that her parents are not going to be away for the night. If the parents had not been home then I had the intention of having sex with the girl.

If a teenagers parents are away then there is an opportunity to have parties and act irresponsibly. That situation is similar to the dreamers - his boss had been away on holiday so he could do what he wanted.
So try to work out dreams in reverse. If there is some tension in your life at the time of the dream then look for possible symbols to express that tension. If one thing was on your mind then try to identify symbols which could be linked to it. Work on the assumption that a dream links to some thought connected with the previous day. Dreams revolve around these key thoughts and insights. If you spent the previous night thinking over an issue then jot down some key thoughts. So if you were thinking about how easy life had become at work then that's what your dream probably means. If you had been thinking "That is too difficult for me. I may end up getting into real problems" then that's what your dream probably means. Look for evidence to link the dream to these key thoughts.


CREATIVE DREAMS : See how dreams can capture artistic and intellectual ideas. Dreams can inspire us to make great music and art. To read more on Creative dreams - CLICK HERE

A THEORY OF DREAMS : There are many causes of dreams and nightmares. Any theory of dreams must take account of the different types of dreams. To read more on a theory of dreams - CLICK HERE

WHY SHOULD YOU BELIEVE WHAT YOU READ ON THIS WEBSITE? : A lot of effort has been put into this website. But why should you believe what is said? Lots of dream sites make exaggerated claims. This dream site has been built upon hundreds of dreams which have been exhaustively researched. To read more Techniques of dream interpreting - CLICK HERE

If you have a dream with some good background information to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com