Dream analysis collection

Dreams dictionaries - nouns and verbs

Many dream dictionaries list hundreds and even thousands of nouns such as "tidal wave", "carrots", "shopping mall" and "policeman". These are important in their own way in dreams yet we should emphasise other words such as "anger", "destroy", "devotion" and "jumping". These are very important in dream dictionaries and often get neglected in big dream dictionaries.

For instance, take the folowing dream. THE DREAM - I am watching a horse being put down. It is a beautiful scene. There is total respect for the horse. It is a race horse. The trainer is there along with the vet. There is a sense of real calm.

THE REALITY The night before the dreamer had made a determined effort to slow down in life. He wanted a much more calmer existence. He had been living a wild hedonistic life and realised he needed to slow down.

If you have a dream with some good background information to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com