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THE DREAM There was a young butterfly flying about frantically. It seemed to be in trouble.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The dreamer woke up in a very good mood . Later on he became very ill and was vomiting for hours. He felt that this dream was a premonition of the day ahead. If a dream is going to come true it will often come true very soon, especially on the same day. The butterfly could be a symbol for a good mood as it is an uplifting and beautiful creature. However, it is flying frantically as it was in trouble. Look out for metaphors which are quite simple. This dream could easily symbolise something which is at first good, but which on closer inspection turns out bad. But just remember that premonitions often come true very soon so it's easy to spot them as it is such a short time period to look through.
This was a premonitions dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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"Death Dream comes true
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