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THE DREAM I was homeless. I was in a field and was getting dressed. I was naked from the bottom half and did not think it mattered. It was not too bad as I was washing in nice warm water. Later I was in a large building and was at this door. I could hear people talking in the next room and so I did not go in because I am a bit phobic of meeting people I do not know. Then I was eating or at least watching people eat. They had some nice food - it seemed to be a plate full of fruit which looked really appetising.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The dreamer had just moved home from a nursing home into a supported housing home. Homeless dreams can be triggered when you feel homeless and this was the case with this dreamer. He was just settling into a new situation and had not met many new friends yet so it is quite likely that the dream caught this feeling - "I am not feeling at home just yet".
The semi naked scene was perhaps linked to the setup where he was now living. His flat was opposite of other flats which could see in so he had to be careful of appearing naked after washing. For many years he had lived in buildings where he did not have to worry about being seen naked in his flat as the view outside included no buildings. There was also another association with washing as the dreamer had been living in a care home which did not have a good shower. The water was not warm enough and had to be run for ages before it was the right temperature but his new flat had lovely showers which worked really well.
The part where he was nervous to enter a room with people talking in it was a symbol of his phobias as he was nervous meeting new people. This was especially the case right then as all the people he was meeting were new people so this heightened his phobia. The dreamer agreed that the people in the room portion of the dream captured the following feeling - "I have not yet made many friends in my new home. I am still very phobic meeting new people".
The food in the dream was a symbol of him eating well in his new home. He had a full fridge and was not going hungry. The food looked appetising and this captured the feeling "I am eating well in my new home. It is all good healthy food."
So if we add together the various different associations and symbolic meanings we find that the dream captures this thought - "I am not feeling at home in my new flat. I have to watch being seen naked as there are people opposite. I doing OK with the food but I am still very phobic of meeting new people and am nervous about going down to the communal living room". So the dream was a balanced assessment of how he was doing in his new home.
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at