dream analysis study

THE DREAM I was watching Mellisa (who lives in a the same block as me which houses people with mental and physical problems) and she jumped off a very steep cliff. I thought that this was suicidal and stupid. But she survived quite well.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION The dreamers mental health was getting worse. The dream seemed to be about his friend Mellisa whose mental health was much worse. But actually this dream uses the symbolism of a friends mental state as a symbol for his own mental health (his mental health was getting to be like Mellisa's). The next day after waking up the dreamer drank heavily and got into a bad mood.

DREAM MEANING: "I am becoming seriously mentally ill (like Mellisa) and I am thinking of going off the rails." A dreams meaning is best summed up in the form of a quote like this because a dreams meaning can often be translated into a sentence which pinpoints a strong emotional feeling.

This was a health dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Race dream analysis
• Scream or help - dream analysis
• Depression dream - fighting
• Feeling tired dream
• Study of terrorist dream
• Football dream analysis
• Cliff edge dream
• Dream about a business woman
• Dream symbolism about best friend from school
• Violence dream
• A skaters and danger - dream interpretation
• Dream - King has died
• Jesse Jay - dream symbolism
• Dream interpretation - headline news
• Fish escapes - gross and disgusting dream analyzed
• White paint ducks - dream symbolism
• Blood in the penis dream
• A dream about getting old and incapable
• Amazing Race dream
• Dream symbolism - stupid aliens
• Weeds in garden dream
• Feeling tired - dream dictionary
• Dream - stay disciplined soldier
• Fear of crossing - premonitions
• Feeling marginalised - dream dictionary

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com