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THE DREAM - I was in a car which was going away from a very prestigious school like Eton or Harrow. I am with two boys and we are talking about football. It felt a normal day with us laughing and joking.
Then the scene totally changes and I was watching a car which was in a fast running river. I am in the air watching as a narrator was saying that when the car reaches the bottom of the hill they will all die.
Then I am in a scene from the film the Italian job where three minis are driving in a car chase. It involves some very dangerous driving. I was reminded of a scene from the film where the cars drive up a large entrance to a cathedral and escape chasing police cars.
I am then in a room on my own and I am turning around frantically on the spot saying to myself "I can't believe it - they are going to kill Mrs Thoroughgood off". In the dream this Mrs Thoroughgood was an actress in some soap opera.
In the last scene I was in an alleyway and at the end of the alley there was a Chinese restaurant. I was walking very slowly towards it. .
THE REALITY In real life the dreamer woke up feeling that this was a very important dream and he was certain that this was a premonition of something bad about to happen. At the end of the day the dreamer was surprised that nothing bad had happened. But in real life at about the time he fell asleep, Princess Diana died in a car crash in Paris. This followed on from a fast car chase as Princess Diana's car was chased by paparazzi who wanted to take pictures of her with Dodi Fayed. When the dreamer woke up he made several associations with the symbols. The two boys were immediately thought to be Prince William and Prince Harry. They both went to Eton boarding school, which is extremely priviliged. Another association was the figure called Mrs Thoroughgood. This was actually a real person who was the dreamers next door neighbour, through out his childhood. But the dreamer had not been thinking about his childhood or this neighbour who was a distant memory. Mrs thoroughgood seems to have been a symbolic name for someone who was thoroughly good. Dreams work in this way as they use names to symbolise something else. The dreamer thought about this name when he woke up, as he associated Mrs Thoroughgood with only three people who were thoroughly good - Mother Terasa, Baby spice and Princess Diana. Princess was a tireless supporter of charities so it's easy to see why she could be described as Thoroughly good. So two important associations were made with Princess Diana and her two sons, William and Harry. The dream also features a car chase which was a scene from the film the Italian Job which was another important association. The car chase in the streets of Paris was just as frantic. The car running through a chaotic river was another important association as virtually everyone did die just like in the dream at the bottom of the hill. Only the security guard survived. So this seems to have been a very strong premonition with several important associations. One final association was that the carsh did occur at the underpass to the river Seine. If you look at the map the road was in a river just like in the dream.
Symbolic Meanings
PRESTIGIOUS SCHOOL LIKE ETON: The dreamer immediately associated the two boys from a school like Eton.
FATAL CAR CRASH: This was a carbon copy of the crash which killed Princess Diana.
FAST FLOWING RIVER: This was another symbol for the fast car chase which killed Princess Diana that very same day
MRS THOROUGHGOOD: This was an excellent symbol for Princess Diana who was thoroughly good.
KILLED OFF: This was a symbol for the death of Princess Diana who died.
SOAP OPERA: The life of Princess Diana was like a soap opera as she was constantly in the newspapers.
ITALIAN JOB: This featured a frantic car chase which mirrored the car chase of Princess Diana
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I believe this was a premonition of the death of Princess Diana."
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at