dream analysis study

THE DREAM: I was in some war zone. I was counting up the number of soldiers in various positions. I was thinking that an attack would be easy with the number and quality of the opposition. Their army was full of soldiers of lesser quality. Their leader was Saddam Hussein. The plan would be easy to put into action. I seemed to be the leader (general) in charge of the campaign assessing the chances of success. I even knew the exact numbers of soldiers the opposing army had.

THE REALITY: The dreamer woke up in a confident and energetic mood. He set about a work project which he had previously been intimidated by. He had been putting work off as much as possible. Dream meanings are generally in the here and now. If analysed correctly they capture precise thoughts which we would probably write down in a diary. The key symbols in this dream seem to be a plan and a military campaign. The dreamer said that he woke up in a good mood ready to start on a work project. Military dreams can link to soldier type qualities. In this case the dreamer was putting his "army hat" on as his soldier qualities were coming to the fore - discipline, effort, strength and determination. If we have a big task ahead we occasionally use military metaphors such as "a war on want" or "I am declaring a war on homelessness". In this case we see that the dream captures this thought "I must make an effort to start my work project! It will be easier than I thought so success seems assured. I am in the mood for a campaign to make real progress". Try always to convert a dreams meaning into a quote like this because dreams link to precise conceptual thoughts and feelings. Try to weave together the different symbolic meanings into a quote.

This was a project dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Paul MacCartney Yesterday - creative dream
• Dream interpretation - failing university
• Robot drives car dream
• Multi-storey car park dream
• Mathmatician dreams of calculations
• Tartinis devils sonata dream
• Cricket match a study in psychology
• Conceptual thinking dream
• Baby and a book - dream interpretation
• Gambling and winning dream analysis
• Dream symbols - teacher and young people
• Elias Howe invents Sewing machine - creative dream
• Psychological study of a scientific dream
• Artist uses creative dreams for inspiration
• Castle competition dream
• A giant jigsaw - dream dictionary meanings
• Decorating for the Queen dream
• Crazy Horses dream about fighting the white men
• Computer programmers creative dreams
• Dream symbol - upside down helicopter
• Dream symbols - mansion and Elizibethan ghosts
• Film review dream
• Fixing canal - dream analysis
• Cooking dream
• Dream meanings - cricket match

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com