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Neural networks and dreams
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Thetawaves and dreams
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Sleep deprivation TV show
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How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM My first dream was of a house. It was a low standard type bedsit with a landlord. I managed to find my way out then I was searching through a cave type thing which was made of wood. Things keep changing. I Thought I knew where I was going but things change constantly.
I later dream of a similar flat. I had opened the door and I suspected that people were in my flat but I couldn't see them as they were like ghosts and invisible. There was an atmosphere which felt full of mental health problems. Later on I was chasing this mouse. It had big comical ears but I was paralysed and couldn't go for it. But I was going after it.
At one point there was my favourite aunt who I was trying to grab. She was some kind of ghost, zombie or mutant. When I went into my home/bedsit it was huge - there was so much space and it was completely empty.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: In real life the dreamer had just seen a mental health worker. He was very depressed as this did not seem to help him. It is easy to see how the dreamers mental health problems are depicted. The dream symbols all link to negative and depressive feelings such as mutants, ghosts,emptiness, zombies, bedsits. Overall this dream reveals the type of symbols which the dream mind uses to depict depression. One symbol in particular stands out - paralysis, which is symbolic of this type of feeling - "I was unable to react".
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at