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Reheasal dreams
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Neural networks and dreams
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Thetawaves and dreams
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Sleep deprivation TV show
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How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM I was thinking how I would cope with my upcoming house move. I was thinking what to eat and what to drink. I was thinking how I would manage on my own. Then I was thinking about the type of person who I hoped to meet in my new life. I was hoping to meet outgoing and friendly people and I was thinking of examples of people from the past as examples of the types of people I hope to meet. There was a feeling of excitement in the dream. It was fast moving and I couldn't stop thinking of my new life.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: The dream took place shortly before the dreamer was about to move to a new home and a new life. The dream was not explicitly about the move he was about to make but it captured all sorts of relevant themes that were going to feature in his new life. Dreams are often about things which are dominating our thoughts so it is very likely that this dream simply linked to this thought - I am making a big move soon. I will try to make a fresh start. I am already thinking about the types of people I wish to meet and the types of food I intend to eat and activities I hope to take up."
We can often get this type of dream (a rehearsal dream) as we think forward to the future and play out in our minds what we intend to do.
This was a rehearse dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
Dream interpretation - throwing things out
My mother says he likes children - dream interpretation
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Psychological dream analysis showed how a dream captured the dreamers excitement
Surviving like SAS dream
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Foreign and home doctors - dream dictionary meanings
Dream - exploring building
Murder and military police dream interpretation
Managing people dream
Dream interpretation - good photos
Parachute jumping dream
Lead army - dream analysis
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at