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THE DREAM First I feel up then I feel down. This dream is a downside dream.I was in my own home as I am now and by chance was looking after children who were there but I am not sure how. Their mothers arrived and I was glad they had come because I had been caring for the children till I found out what would happen. When the mothers came one mother was was scrutinizing everything and kept making comments about what didn't meet her expectations. She was looking into things that I hadn't looked into for years and I felt her disapproval.I was uncomfortable because I didn't ask for the children to be there I just found them there and was doing my best to care for them till a better way forward could be found. I tried to put this to the scrutinizing mother but her critique of my home and way of doing things continued.A doctor was called to see one of the children. In the meantime the scrutinizing mother found a baby in an old school suitcase that dated back to the 1960's. I had put it there and forgotten about it. I was sure it had to be dead by now as it had been more than two years since I had done so but it was alive and in terrible condition.The doctor was compassionate and asked me to call UNICEF so the baby could be given compassionate care till it died but I forgot what he said when I got to the phone and had to go back and ask him again. I felt so ashamed of my incompetence and inadequacy. My memory was letting me down.The dream closed with me holding dirty washing looking at a wall where a door once used to be. I had to find another way out of the building to get to the washing machine which was in a laundry building outside. I felt so inadequate. (Posted at January 2012 by 'Iceberg Rose')
BACKGROUND INFORMATION The dreamer gave some good background knowledge to the dream saying that she had been working on some personal paperwork she had neglected and finding it a lot harder than she expected. She found unpresented cheques going back more than 10 years with a value of some $400.00 and a number of prescriptions she never got filled. She had no idea why she filed things the way she did. There were also referral letters to doctors she also found realised that she had been pretty sick at the time.
Its amazing how critical our dream self can be. We are our own worst critic as we fail to live up to the standards that we expect of ourselves. The dream shows the dreamer acting in a way which she disliked. She was probably not as bad as she feel but its good that she can pick fault with ourselves. Thats the only way that she can improve. Dreams pick up on themes which we are all to aware of in waking life. The theme in this case concerned neglect and inadaquacy. The story in the dream seems totally different than the thoughts in real life. The dream maybe captures this thought "looking over these old cheques and prescriptions I have been totally inadaquate and incompetant. It's a good job that this was not a matter of life or death." But the dreamer was right to link the dream to self criticism. The dream then was about her personality and particularly feelings of inadaquacy.
This was a personality dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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Learning from others
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at