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THE DREAM This is my third snake dream in the last week. I always make note of the colour. This snake was black. I was outside and my mom (who is deceased) grabbed a hold of it, as it was coming my way. It still bit me on my right middle finger. I had to go to the hospital because the venom was lethal. However it was a small bite (like a paper cut) and I didn't feel unwell. Why all these recurrent snake dreams? This was the first one where I was bit.
THE REALITY This snake dreams could have linked to the death of the dreamers grandmother. They coincided in the run up to her death
THE INTERPRETATION Often snakes link to something that could strike at any time(just in the way a snake can come up and bite you unawares). Its quite possible that the two are connected. It certainly the most feasible explanation. However the dreamer was in a mood the previous week and was a bit snappy. In such a case there are two possible explanations yet the most likely is the concern over her grandmother.
The need to go to the hospital may have been literal. If someone is ill and about to die we try to be with them towards the end. However, if the death is a slow and lingering death then maybe its a difficult decision. Each day the dreamer is asking if "this is my grandmothers last day". If someone is about to die we may try to make a special effort. But its impractical to visit the hospital every moment of every day so its often difficult to judge when to visit or not.
Symbolic Meanings
BITE : "her grandmothers death"
SNAKE : "a problem that can strike at any time - in this case the death of her grandmother which could happen at any time"
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "My grandmother is ill in hospital. I fear she could die at any moment".
Try to see how the dreams meaning links in with the different symbolic meanings above.
This was a emotional dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
On stage dream
Old girlfriend dream
Torturing experience - dream interpretation
Greek goddess dream
Warm blanket - dream analysis
Dream analysis - witnessing couple having sex
Dream symbols - hugging university friends
Happy whales - dream analysis
Meeting grandfather - dream dictionary
Dream - dog cheetah and killing dream
Swept away dream
Wanting to see some porn pictures - dream analysis
Walked on water - dream interpretation
Little brother dies - dream symbolism
Horse without head - dream analysis
Gift dream
Family being torn apart.
Failed suicide dream
Mother drowning saved - dream interpretation
Dream - screaming at snake and knife
Chased by police in home town dream
Good nightmares and werewolf
Bleeding nightmare
Repressed memory
Shark bites dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at