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THE DREAM My 3 year old had a dream that a blue snake was chasing him and then he tripped and fell, and the snake bite him in the neck.
THE REALITY The dreamer woke up screaming and crying. It was quite scary. Last week we had to get rid of his puppy and his best friend moved away. he has been having similar dreams of snakes for a while now since we told him his friend was moving
Posted at April 24, 2012, 06:02 by sg1217 (Viewed times)
Unclesirbobby (POSTED April 24, 2012, 12: 2: 57)
Three year old children find it difficult to make sense of the world. They lack any real control of the world that they live in... things just happen to them. Its a big change for a friend to move away.
He only really sees things in terms of good things and bad things. things that make him happy and things that make him sad. So losing his friend for whatever reason will be the equivalent of being told off.
All you can do is explain it to him properly ... but that will probably not do any good. He will soon get over it... just find him a new friend and he will forget it in a very short time.
Its just something he needs to get used to. Just tell him its not his fault. He may think he is to blame. He just needs to know that bad things happen and sometimes its beyond our control.
This was a changes dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
Friends house reconstruction dream
Dream interpretation river takes house away
Partner phones me - a dream of support
Homeless people and co-worker - dream analysis
Cold water - dream symbolism
Sears Tower dream
Tornado Dream
Dream symbolism - unfamiliar place
Tutor gives money - dream analysis
Suffering from cancer dream
Secret rooms - dream interpretation
Exploring an entrance to my new home - dream interpretation
Fresh and eager dream
Dream interpretation - forgotten or lost purse
Dream about buying alcohol.
Trapped in room dream
Allowed alcohol but things must be done in a precise way dream
Dream - ghost
Dirty cats - dream analysis
Dream - Bomb goes off
Dream interpretation - old boss asks me to eat
All those years dream
Brother dream
Watching a crocodile pacing along my road dream
Sunken treasure - dream analysis
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at