dream analysis study

THE DREAM - I was on a bus full of women. They seemed to be young and they were making a fuss over me. They were getting excited and seemed to be giving me a make over.

1. The dreamer had started to think more about his appearance especially the day before.
2. The dreamer had a younger female friend. She had been influencing him to improve himself.
3. Buses can symbolise our life journeys. They can reflect how we are developing as people and personalities. They can especially relate to other people and how they affect us and influence us.
4. The dreamer associated the young women with a young woman who was befriending him. So it could easily be about his relationship with her.

The dreamer was starting to take more pride in himself as a person. He was improving his appearance because of the influence of a younger female.

DREAM ANALYSIS The dreamer felt that the young women in the dream represented a young woman in real life who was befriending him. He was glad of her influence. The make over probably represented recent attempts he had made to improve his appearance. She had been a very good influence on him.

Together the dream deals with the following themes.
- Improving your appearance
- Young women or youth
If you weave together the two themes and make the meaning relevant to the guesswork then it could have the following meaning: "Now I have a younger female friend I feel a new pride in myself. She is encouraging me to smarten myself up."

This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Losing teeth dream - dream analysis
• Dream symbols - gave money to boyfriend to get into taxi
• Bathing suit dream
• Earthquake dream
• Weasel dream
• Tumour on leg dream analysis!
• Tidal wave dream interpretation
• Throwing a cooked hot dog
• Dog looks adoringly - dream analysis
• All teeth removed - dream analysis
• Not sexy dream analysis
• Castle dream
• Dream symbols - guards guns and earthquake
• A dream about a not being picked
• we had sex in his house!
• Flying in plane over the mountain
• Date with ex boyfriends brother - dream analysis
• Huge elephant and squirrel dream
• Dream symbols - my husband has girlfriend who has cyst or tumor
• Highly rehearsed - dream analysis
• Snakes dream
• Horse dies dream
• Accidently killed kitten dream
• Boyfriend begging - dream analysis
• Dream of a secret place

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com