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Sleep deprivation TV show
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How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM I started off standing up inside this stone grave thing which had its top off, and there where loads of dark figures like going around the outside of it and I was literally terrified. Then I looked up and there was this bright light in the sky and I felt so happy and calm it was amazing. Then I woke up. Its strange though that when I woke up I was ecstatic. I was happy for that whole morning.
THE REALITY Nothing much happened the day before or on the day of the dream. Yet the dreamer felt overcome with happiness.
THE INTERPRETATION Some dreams merely capture a sense of emotion. This is one such dream. This captured the dreamers mood on waking and the dream reflects the optimistic way she looked forward towards the day. The bright skies and happy feelings literally link to her own optimistic state of mind on waking. The skies are symbols of the future(as opposed to the land which links to the facts about our life).
The earlier part of the dream is probably less understandable. But graves symbolise how we are burying and letting go of bad feelings. They link with change. In this sense they capture the change in mood of the dreamer and the new optimism.
Symbolic Meanings
BRIGHT : "capturing the dreamers feelings of enlightenment"
CALM : "a lack of anxiety about something"
GRAVE : "a new start - letting go of the past"
SKY : "the dreamers outlook towards the future - feeling happy and optimistic"
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I woke up today and just feel fantastic today. I just feel very optimistic and happy."
This was a emotional dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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Happy dream
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at