dream analysis study

THE DREAM I am walking down the street. I am walking past the shopping centre and see that the camera shop has closed down. There seems to be a pathway into the building and the shop is been fitted out for something new. I was curious about what the shop would turn into.

THE REALITY The dreamer had been interested in photography for a long time. But recently this interest had dropped off and the dreamer was thinking that this hobby no longer held the interest it once did.

THE INTERPRETATION Shop dreams are often about our options. This shop was once a camera shop but now in the dream it was closed down. The dreamer was curious about what the shop would become. The shop symbolised the dreamers former interest in photography and its conversion symbolises the dreamers own curiosity about how his energies would be diverted into something new.

Symbolic Meanings
CAMERA SHOP : "The dreamers own hobby in photography"
SHOP CLOSURE : "A recognition that this hobby is losing its appeal"

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "My interest in photography has tailed off. I wonder what is going to replace this."

This was a personality dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• So many insects - dream analysis
• Must save myself in a tidal wave - dream analysis
• Run down house dream
• Terrorists dream
• Being a student and shouting dream
• Dream - pet stag
• Welcoming fire - dream analysis
• Dream interpretation - molested and kidnapped
• London dream
• Helicopter and skyscraper - dream interpretation
• Holes in upstairs dream analysis
• Fall off balcony - dream analysis
• Dream about saving money in a supermarket
• Job application and seamstress dream analysis
• Professional people - dream analysis
• Naked dream and people laugh
• shopping money and friends dream
• Farm and cafe used to go in - dream interpretation
• Famous person dream
• Dream - prisoner killed by suffocation
• Birds in a big sectioned cage
• Bowel problems - dream interpretation
• Dream interpretation - native American staring at me
• Dream - casual clothes and party
• No anxiety underwater dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com