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THE DREAM - Famous I was in a dream with someone famous (Simon Cowell). I had done something wrong and everyone knew about it. I was trying to get away from this but it was impossible.
THE REALITY The dreamer was a very private person and did not like mixing with people. He particularly hated talking to people at college. He just wanted to be left alone. He had gained a bit of fame at college after winning a writing competition but he stood out mostly because of his eccentricity. He was at heart quite a paranoiac person.
THE ANALYSIS Dreams compare situations which are very similar. Occasionally a dream can come up with unusual metaphors. In real life the dreamer had become famous but maybe for the wrong reasons. He stood out because he was very eccentric. He did not like standing out for any reason even winning a writing competition.
Famous people can experience a kind of paranoia which is maybe relevant here. Celebrities can never get away from their fame and often crave to just walk down the street like a normal person. The dreamer felt a similar type of paranoia and just wanted to walk down the street and get on with his life. He felt people were always watching him.
This was a personality dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at