dream analysis study

THE DREAM - I couldn't see I remember I was going to have company or I was going to have to see someone who I did not want to see me like this. I went into my garage navigating by holding the side of the car and then I went into the back yard. My eyes were closing and I couldn't get them to open all the way. I was so confused and I had to keep using my hands to open them but they wouldn't focus right and it was too bright out. Then the dream changed and I was in a basement telling my friends that I didn't want to play games with real guns any more because I guess we had been playing manhunt or tag with bullets and real guns. They thought I was a pussy for wanting to stop playing.

This dream was posted on Unclesirbobby.org.uk on the October 3, 2012, 07:03 by . It was viewed 11 times

BACKGROUND INFORMATION :I am currently in a state of mind that is ruining my life so I am trying to find a way to get my brain to rewire itself

OFFICIAL DREAM ANALYSIS : Its easy to see how your dream portrays the background info you posted. The dream portrays you feeling embarrassed about yourself in some way because you appear to be not quite right.

The gun and your friends is interesting. It shows that you are aware that if you are not quite thinking straight then you need to be cautious and not get involved in situations where your 'brain' might lead you astray.

Personally I think you will be OK. You obviously seem to be able to identify when things are going wrong. We all get carried away by the people we meet. Overcoming peer pressure is one of the hardest things to do...
COMMENT Thanks for your analysis I think you're right. Getting into a dangerous situation is one of my concerns and peer pressure is the reason for a lot of my troubles

This was a personality dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Speed bump dream
• Excrement - dream analysis
• Dream interpretation - panic whilst cross bridge
• Going home lone - dream analysis
• Being a student and shouting dream
• Throwing up bugs dream
• Skyscraper - dream analysis
• Beautiful sky - dream analysis
• Dream - pet stag
• Spiders eggs and birds nest - dream interpretation
• Man stops me in a huge house - dream symbolism
• Crab dream analysis
• Shark infested waters dream
• Plane crashes in jungle - dream analysed
• Ocean, cliff, boat
• Leopard in car dream interpretation
• Parents proud - dream analysis
• Dream - daughter causing me grief
• Dream interpretation - cat person
• At old house where I have no right to be there - dream interpretation
• Splashing violently at pond - dream interpretation
• I couldn't see dream
• Trying on friends clothes dream interpretation
• My college ex-boyfriend
• Refitting work to be done

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com