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Thetawaves and dreams
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THE DREAM I dreamt my boyfriend and I were with a black and white dog, plus our cat Tigger(also black and white) My cat Sammy wasn't in the dream.
THE REALITY The next day the dreamers cat sammy died in real life.
THE INTERPRETATION Premonitions can appear in unusual ways. Often if a dream is going to come true then it will come true immediately the next day. So look for coincidences. This dream featured a normal happy situation with the dreamer and pets. It featured one cat yet not the other. Perhaps this vaguely points to how life will be in the future - that life would continue on without her other cat. That's why it did not appear in the dream.
This was a premonitions dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
President Lincolns precognitive dream of his own death
Dream - Jung's premonition of his mothers death
Car crash premonitions
Telepathy - dream analysis
Prospect Road - dream analysis
Paris Hilton drunk dream
Mother asks for help - dream analysis
Community centre but locked out - dream symbolism
Dream - Jung's premonition of World War One
Adolf Hitlers psychic dream
Reading of tragedy of ship sinking - precognitive dream
Identical dream - dream analysis
Premonition dream of Concorde crashing
Intense beautiful smile - dream analysis
Psychic dream of car mangled
premonition of a good day ahead
The 'psychic' dream of Sitting Bull of the Little Bighorn
Man of my destiny - premonitions
Car crashed and smashed up - dream analysis
Dark figure surrounds me in woods - dream analysis
Bright light grabs baby - dream analysis
Dream interpretation - bedside commode
Feeling angry upset and demon - premonition dream
"Death Dream comes true
Nail hanging off in pain - Precognitive dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at