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THE DREAM - accidently killed it I had an awful dream I woke.up in tears. I dreamt a kitten was stuck on a roof so it jumped and I tryd to catch it but I accidently killed it when I caught it. it was suffering and I could not help it had to b put down I really need to know what this means please someone help me decode this aweful nightmate This dream was posted on on the July 31, 2012, 19:02 by m . It was viewed 11 times
BACKGROUND INFORMATION :well I was feeling depressed over a break up and felt alone. also feeling sad because my father oftan works leaving me alone and my mother lives far away
OFFICIAL DREAM ANALYSIS : I once read a dream about a dog being killed by accident. Perhaps this has a similar meaning as the dreamer there was upset because her relationship had broken up. She particularly mentioned that she did not understand why the relationship had broken up. It just seems to have occured by accident... hence the dream about a cute animal being killed.
In this dream you put the creature down... did you end the relationship? Maybe thats why you put down this cat because you knew you had to end this relationship?
Try this page Pet killed accidentally dream
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