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THE DREAM - In the dream I woke up from earlier this morning my ex boyfriend was having a blast with his new girlfriend - who was Angelina Jolie! I was constantly seeing updates and footage on the news about their excursions and how much fun they were having. It was excruciating to see him with a celebrity who is obviously better than me and to think that he's happier with her that he was with me. I was desperately trying to get in touch with him through my cell phone but I couldn't get it to work. Something about the functionality of the phone kept changing. I'd get close to finding his number and then the screen would change and I'd have to figure out how to work the phone again. It's like when you first get a new cell phone and you have to familiarize yourself with its buttons and commands. I had to keep doing that.
GUESSWORK The dreamer broke up with her boyfriend and thought she had gotten over her hurt feelings until she learned that he has a new girlfriend. She heard that he is SO in love and planning to take a trip with her. The day before yesterday she wrote him a brief email that was some what critical and questioning how he can be madly in love with someone new when not too long ago he was so in love with her. He did not respond to this email.
The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here
1. The excruciating pain in the dream is fairly literal. It is symbolic of the pain that the dreamer felt for her boyfriend.
2. The dreamer is with Angelina Jolie because this sums up how she feels. She feels powerless when he is in love with someone he finds so attractive. The dreamer feels unable to compete with his new love.
3. The news reports just mirror real life. The dreamer had heard news reports of her ex boyfriends new love. The only difference she heard by word of mouth rather than on TV.
4. The phone problems represent communication problems. That exactly mirrors reality as she emailed her ex boyfriend yet he choose not to respond.
DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers feelings about her ex. Its easy to see how the dream deals with the following themes:
- An inability to tell her ex how she feels
- hearing news of her ex with a new girlfriend
- feeling excruciating emotional pain
If you weave together the different themes then you find that the dream could easily capture this following thought that the dreamer felt -"I thought I was over my ex. But I have heard he has a new girlfriend. I emailed him and asked how could he be in love with her when just a short time ago he was in love with me. But he did not respond."
This was a emotional dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at