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THE DREAM I was on the street where the hospital is. I was living on some kind of farm. There had been some terrible disease like Mad Cow Disease which was killing off all the livestock. There had to be a deep clean and a fresh start. It was all done precisely and there were to be no shortcuts. Everything had to be meticulously and thoroughly cleaned. At one point there was also Julia there, who I used to have a crush on.
THE REALITY : The dreamer had been depressed and had cut himself off from people. He lived in a shared home and had been building up petty feelings against some of the people living there. He was receiving psychiatric help and was trying to get into a more balanced state of mind. He had also developed a crush on a new resident and was finding it difficult to talk to her. He had decided to just not talk to her because he felt so nervous being around her. The previous night he had spent the whole night by himself. When he woke up after this dream he was in a good mood. He did not feel the petty feelings as much. He felt as if he was starting afresh.
Dreams will tend to pick up on our emotions at the time. The dreamer woke up in a new fresh mood. So the dream captured his feelings as he woke up. So we know what roughly triggered his dream - a strong emotional mood on waking. It is just a matter of working out what the various symbols mean.
The farm is a good symbol for new ideas, which we are nurturing in our mind. A farm then represents ideas growing in our mind. Cleaning often links to "good moods" which helps us start afresh. In this dream the cleaning is meticulous and thorough which represented the dreamer need to clean out his emotions in a thorough and meticulous way. He needed a fresh start. The mad cow disease was a symbol for the dreamers depressed state the night before the dream.
The crush makes an important association as in real life the dreamer had a crush on one of the residents where he lived. Dreams will often use one person to represent another person. So in this case the old crush is a symbol for a new crush.
Now if you piece together the various symbols you will find that the dream captures this exact thought "I have been increasingly depressed and nervous. My mind needs a good clean out and whilst asleep I am feeling a lot happier. I am trying to sort out my psychiatric problems and need to grow some new positive and settled thoughts."
FARM: The new ideas that the dreamer was trying to follow. He was trying to GROW these ideas in his psyche.
CLEAN: Cleaning often represents the dreamers need to sort out out their problems. His mind needed cleaning up.
MAD COW DISEASE: This represented the dreamers own diseased mind. He was getting depressed and unhappy.
KILL OFF LIVESTOCK: Death often represents a new start and in this case a completely new start. CRUSH: An old crush was a symbol for the dreamers new crush.
HOSPITAL: A need to cure his emotional problems. He was in need of some emotional treatment with some tender loving care.
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at