dream analysis study

THE DREAM - I am sat talking with friends. They all have partners and are sat contentedly. I am happy but I keep looking at the clock.

THE REALITY The dreamer was single but most of her friends had already got married or were living with their boyfriends. She was at a point when she was realising the need to find a long term partner.

DREAM INTERPRETATION The clock was ticking for a reason - to make the dreamer aware. The dreamer was realising its time to search for a person to share his life with. The clock will continue to keep ticking until this issue is confronted. Often if you are sat down in a dream it may signify how you are becoming more accustomed to some idea or thought. The thought is growing on you.

Symbolic Meanings
CLOCK : "setting yourself serious goals"
SAT : "become accustomed to something over time"

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I know that time is passing by. I should perhaps start looking for a more serious commitment. I notice many of my friends are starting to get married."

See how the Symbolic meanings weave together to form a key insight

This was a personality dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• So many insects - dream analysis
• Speed bump dream
• Seduction - dream analysis
• End of the world - dream analysis
• Rolling downhill dream
• Being a student and shouting dream
• Sleepover with best friend dream
• Change into a freaky woman - dream interpretation
• trapped in a room whilst exploring a house - dream
• Skyscraper - dream analysis
• Dream interpretation - molested and kidnapped
• Man stops me in a huge house - dream symbolism
• Eating crocodile - dream analysis
• Crab dream analysis
• Wandering around hotel - dream interpretation
• Shark infested waters dream
• Job application and seamstress dream analysis
• The driver won't let me off the train
• Luxurious house dream
• Leopard in car dream interpretation
• Man called Frank - dream analysis
• At old house where I have no right to be there - dream interpretation
• Fulfilling contract dream
• I couldn't see dream
• Learning from others

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com