dream analysis study

THE DREAM - I was watching a cricket match. The other team were batting and were 40 for 1 wicket.

GUESSWORK The night before the dreamer had been thinking about the main task which he had to complete at work. He was thinking that he should be making major progress but everyday he seemed to be stuck in something.

1. Cricket. The game of cricket is so often linked to the wish to build up a large total by relentless hard work. In cricket the object is to build up a huge score over a long period. This can easily be a metaphor for real life. In real life the dreamer had been trying to work relentlessly on a major project but was unable to get going properly. In this dream its the other side that are batting which perhaps is a symbol for his frustration at being unable to work hard on the task he was wanting to complete.

DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers thoughts about a major work task. He wanted to work relentlessly on this but seemed to get caught up in various delays. The dream deals with the following themes
- Working hard on a task over a long period

If you weave together the different themes you find that they could capture these thoughts -"I am wanting to get cracking with my work task but I seem to get stuck in one delay after another"

This was a project dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Dream about copying shapes
• Dream interpretation - failing university
• Dream interpretation - neglected babies
• Making an extra effort - dream interpretation
• Jungs house dream and the collective unconscious
• Mathmatician dreams of calculations
• Tartinis devils sonata dream
• Cricket match a study in psychology
• Kennedy assasination dream analysis
• Dream symbols - teacher and young people
• Snake farm
• THE ROAD MAP - dream
• Dream - Real Madrid football stadium
• Selling the news - dream analysis
• Nephew dream - playing
• Psychological study of a scientific dream
• Children using ingenuity - dream interpretation
• Castle competition dream
• A giant jigsaw - dream dictionary meanings
• Decorating for the Queen dream
• Crazy Horses dream about fighting the white men
• Dream - new route not so steep
• Big project - dream interpretation
• DNA dream - dream analysis
• Cooking dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com