dream analysis study

THE DREAM - The dream was at the bottom of the sea. I saw all these dead bodies slowly rising to the surface. Then I was at the sea top and someone said - we are on the move again. And a vast sea ship started a journey quickly into the sunset.

THE REALITY The day before the dreamer met up again with his best friend from from school. They had not seen each other for years.

DREAM INTERPRETATION For the dreamer the old friend was effectively dead - if you do not see each other for years and do not know where they live then they may as well be dead. But in meeting up again out of the blue old memories were rising to the surface.

The sea journey represented the vast emotional journey meeting up again started off. Its a journey through old thoughts and issues.

Symbolic Meanings
DEAD : "a relationship the dreamer felt was over and buried"
JOURNEY : "the dreamer is experiencing an emotional journey through his emotions"
SEA : "the unconscious mind and your feelings about people "
SHIP : "a sense of excitement and journey "
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "
I saw my best friend from school yesterday. It brought back many of the old memories. I am not sure I really wanted to meet him again as we have not really seen each other for years and I have probably do not have much in common now."

This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Wedding dress stain - dreams symbolism
• Murky water - dream analysis
• Dream symbols - embarrassed at school
• Dream - unintelligible drunken crow
• Dying in a tornado dream
• Dream symbols - zombies chasing
• Public toilet - dream interpretation
• Running away dream!
• Snake chasing me - dream analysis
• Dream symbolism - intimidating man
• Devious parcel delivery dream
• chased up a tree by an alligator dream
• Scared of huge wave - Dream
• Plead and beg in tidal wave - dream analysis
• Dream analysis - president has died
• Girl strips off - dream analysis
• Scream or help - dream analysis
• Lion sprinting dream
• Conflict with people at work
• Dream analysis - chased into a swamp by guys
• Dream - huge building and intruders
• Dream dictionary - fight with men and horse gun shot
• Floods dream
• A body in hot water dream
• Dream about a drunken promise

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com