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THE DREAM - I was driving a VW polo that I had learnt to drive on and I drove past a house slowly that had two huge dogs (somehow I knew they were two parent dogs protecting their young). One of the dogs followed me down the road to make sure I'd left the area. I felt intimidated but I assumed this was normal. Later in the day I drove back past the dogs and the female one started following me again but when I got a few streets away I found she was still following me. I continued to drive at a normal speed but the dog had no trouble in running alongside the car looking at me with her orange/grey eyes. She was as tall as car. I drove on and no-one seemed to be helping so I sped up and then slammed the brakes on so that she hit the back of the car. This worked and I saw that she was slumped on the ground behind me. I suddenly felt terrible and shocked that I could such a thing so I tried to pull over but I discovers that I was driving the vehicle in reverse so that when I tried to pull over the other drivers got confused and wouldn't give me space to pull over on the side I wanted to. I pulled over to the other side instead and got out as I saw the dog slowly get up run towards me. It bit my hands and I woke up feeling them tingle.
GUESSWORK The dreamer had recently become stressed in a new job and the previous day he had three important things to deal with but only time to deal with one.
The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here
ASSOCIATIONS AND SYMBOLISM The following associations and symbolic meanings can be attached to this dream.
1. Dreams can simply repeat emotions from the day before. In this dream the dreamer felt as if no one was helping. In real life the day before he felt as if no one was really there to help. The dream featured the emotion in a totally different setting but this probably links directly to the day before where the identical feeling was experienced.
2. Dogs are pack animals and will exclude any dogs that are not part of the pack. In real life the dreamer was starting a new job and felt a little left out. It was a similar sense of exclusion.
3. The dream deals with issues of speed and in fact uses the phase normal speed. The previous day had been about issues of speed. The dreamer was having to work at speeds which were faster than he could cope with.
DREAM ANALYSIS Its always important to try to see how dream symbols can translate into reality. This dream deals with the following themes.
- A feeling that you have no one to help you.
- A feeling of exclusion.
If you weave together these various symbolic meanings and themes and link them to reality you find that this dream could easily represent the following key feeling - "I am starting a new job and feel I cannot do what I am required to do. I have got no one I can really ask for help and I feel a little excluded."
This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at