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THE DREAM - I dreamt that I was standing near the edge of the sea and a dolphin swam up to the shore and cuddled me. The embrace felt really loving and I could sense that the dolphin knew exactly how I felt and I sensed an over whelming love for me. I woke from the dream at this point feeling so content as if it had really happened. All day I have thought about the intensity of the emotion felt and I have felt inner peace.
THE REALITY A few weeks before the dream the dreamer had to take some time off of work due to work related stress. During her week off she started to listen to metaphysical teachings on the internet and began to feel a deeper connection with her own spiritual nature. Since that week she continued to seek out more spiritual guidance. Previously she was having issues with being self sufficient, however in recent weeks she felt completely at ease in her own company. She had overcome the desire to be looked after.
DREAM INTERPRETATION If a dreamer wakes up in a particularly strong mood then often dreams will reflect this. If they are intensely happy then the dream will reflect this good mood. If she was to wake up unhappy then its more likely that any dream would have been sad and depressive.
The dreamer woke up and felt a real sense of inner calm. Which came first the chicken or the egg? Did the dream cause the mood? More likely the dream reflected the dreamers mood as she slept.
You can interpret this dream in many ways. You can merely say that the dream captured the dreamers inner self. It maybe that some sort of higher forces were involved - maybe even telepathy or something like that. That's difficult to prove. But clearly the dreamers mood when she woke up was clearly linked to the dream. In short it was a healthy and happy dream reflecting a healthy and happy frame of mind.
The dolphin is a simple creature, intelligent yes, but also uncomplicated and carefree. It reflects the dreamers own inner peace.
Symbolic Meanings
DOLPHIN : " The dreamers own emotions - dolphin like - happy and carefree. Less complicated than she used to be. "
EMBRACE : " Reflecting the dreamers own mood - hugs and kisses"
INTENSITY : " The dreamer probably detects his mood she woke up in - intense. The mood was so strong it lasted all day "
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I woke up in a profoundly good frame of mind. I am starting starting to grow as a person. I am more self sufficient and at ease in my own company. "
See how the Symbolic Meanings reflect the dreamers own mood as she woke up
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at