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THE DREAM - The starship enterprise (with everyone aboard) had broken into a million pieces and gotten glued back together. No one seemed terribly disturbed by this except me. Then I was on a planet and I was a mischievous little twerp plotting to kill people I didn't like. I and my cohorts killed 3 people. Then I went for a walk or something and met this lady I work with. She is a fat blonde and when I first met her she was very in control, her ideas were supreme and she was going to straighten me out. I had some experience in what she was straightening me out in and I thought I could do a fine job of it, and I thought she didn't know what she was getting into. I still think that. Anyway, she chased me down trying to choke and kill me. It turned out to be in a school of some sort. In the end I was hiding in a classroom and she found me and dragged me out in front of the principle. I felt all lame and captured.
THE REALITY The dreamer got into a fight the day before and realised that she would probably dream about it. She had got into some disagreement with a guy on the Internet. She told him that his ideas sucked. The guy was not particularly emotionally stable and took exception to this.
THE INTERPRETATION The most obvious connection to the real life argument is the killing and violence. The little twerp is a mood she obviously recognised as the foul temper that she was sent into. She knew that getting so wound up was not going to do her any good.
The violence takes place on another planet. Its all in space. Maybe showing that the guy exists in his own little world. He is not going to engage in serious debate. Often space symbolises an entirely different way of thinking. It may symbolise how she cannot possibly begin to understand the way the person she got into the argument with - or alternatively that she cannot possibly get through to him and persuade him of her way of thinking.
Notice she also kills three men on the planet. Three is often a synonym for FREE - so perhaps this is linking to the fact that she should have let the boy freely state his opinion and just get on with things. That she should let people voice there opinions freely.
Well the most obvious symbol in this dream was a very personal one. The lady she's knew from work who has a tendency to straighten her out. Dreams concentrate not so much on issues of right versus wrong. The conscious mind is the home of rational thought and is quite capable of seeing things rationally. The dream was about the dreamers response. The issue was one of her own mental well being. She did not need to get into this argument. The person was emotionally unstable and its never going to get her anywhere getting into such arguments.
Choking is symbolic of an experience which the dreamer finds difficult to accept. That certainly fitted the emotional mood she ended up in. She was unable to accept the situation - constantly working through feelings of injustice.
Symbolic Meanings
3 : "pun - issue which you have freedom to choose and show your freewill - she can choose to show restraint and not get carried away in arguments"
DRAG : "forced along a certain way of thinking - the dreamer allowed herself to get dragged into an argument"
PLANET : "living on a different planet - the guy she argued with was living on a different planet"
SCHOOL : "learning something about yourself and how to react in life"
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I had a blazing row with someone on the Internet yesterday and knew that I would dream about it. He was so annoying. "
Try to see how the dreams meaning links in with the different symbolic meanings above.
This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at