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Thetawaves and dreams
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Sleep deprivation TV show
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How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM I was in our childhood home. My brother was away for a day and a half not notifying anybody if he was OK. He suddenly turns up in the early morning as I am preparing for the day. He looked emaciated and "concentration camp" thin. Skin was hanging off his bones. He seemed to be a younger age than he is now though.
I was very concerned about my brother's appearance but he shrugged it off. I persisted and asked if he was on drugs? He said yes. I looked at his left arm and there were fresh needle marks there. It was at this point I got angry as he was the older sibling and should know better(my brother did very well in school, I did not). We entered a conversation about the reasons why (unfortunately can"t remember details) but basically he needed them to survive day to day life. It was like a role reversal in that he was confiding in me as if I was the older sibling. I seemed more mature than he at this point.
THE REALITY In real life the dreamers brother is 50, obese, heavy smoker and doesn't exercise. He locks himself in his computer room and is quite antisocial. The dreamer had been increasingly worried about him.
THE INTERPRETATION The dream was about the dreamers brother and because the worries in real life seem to match the similar worry in the dream then the dream can safely be linked to this issue.
The dream deals firstly with the dreamers brother. It Then starts to deal with this specific issue of drugs. The drugs are symbolic in this case. They refer to the dreamers mindset. It shows that his judgement is not perfect. Drugs often link to skewed vision and thoughts which are becoming increasingly divorced from reality.
In this case the dreamers brother needs these drugs. That shows that the dreamer is understanding that the views that the dreamers brother is developing are linked to the reality of his situation. They are probably a coping mechanism.
The fact that the dreamer is older than his brother in the dream shows that the dreamer now accepts that a role reversal has taken place. He is now the more mature brother and needs to guide and help his brother.
So the dream is very much about understanding his mindset and that will maybe help him in getting through to his brother that he needs to change his ways.
Symbolic Meanings
DRUG : "divorced from reality - the dreamers brother is cut off from reality"
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I am worried about my brother who is increasingly becoming divorced from reality. He does not go out and is very anti social"
See how the dreams symbols capture an insight into his brothers behavior
This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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An epiphany
Dream symbols - finding a bed
Bear chasing my young son
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at