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Neural networks and dreams
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Thetawaves and dreams
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Sleep deprivation TV show
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How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM There was a drunken, talking crow at my front porch. In my dream I was stroking its back to reassure it that it would be OK after the effects of the alcohol wore off. It kept talking unintelligibly for some time and bobbing back and forth but not trying to get away from me.
THE REALITY The night before the dreamer had drunk a little too much wine reminiscing about relationships-past.
THE INTERPRETATION Many dreams link to the previous evening and events that have just happened. We often dream about the previous day because its the first chance our minds have to really think over events
This dream probably has little real meaning as it just replays certain portions of the events. The unintelligible conversation of the crow mirrors the dreamers recognition of his own behavior. We often review how we have just behaved and this dream shows that the dreamer recognises his own actions the day before. The stroking of the crows back perhaps shows that the dreamer recognises his own need to get some feelings about his ex out into the open. He needed to vent his frustrations.
Symbolic Meanings
UNINTELLIGIBLE : "The dreamer recognises how he was talking a little unintelligibly the night before."
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I got a little drunk last night talking about my ex. My ex is a very "Morrigan-like"(as in Cuchulainns nemesis) creature simultaneously stirring love/lust and dread/fear in my heart."
See how the dreams symbols capture some thoughts the dreamer had about his behavior
This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at