dream analysis study

THE DREAM I've never felt as though I didn't want to fall back asleep until tonight. I dreamt I was suspicious about something concerning a product, and discovered it had something to do with a metal...or an ore of some sort. It resembled something raw and organic, with grass like fibres attached. I was immediately aware that the persons involved knew that I knew yet I continued to act dumb. I attempted to get home and lock the door and walked into a room where there were humans interacting as if in a call centre, yet I knew they were alien or unfamiliar. I felt a strong pull as the energy of the room started to change. And the people began to shift ...I fought to remain in my more conscious state and wake up.. I fell back to sleep and the dream continued. This time my boyfriend was in it. I explained the situation and he asked me to try to remain awake/alert because he had to use the bathroom. I felt the shift begin and fought to wake up. I woke up and laid in bed , trying to get myself to get out of bed and get water to perhaps change the dream in my subconscious. I fell back to sleep and it was the same setting but my mother was there this time. I shared the details with her and looked out the window. It was night time, and could see small orange shapes catapulting themselves from building to building. I had a strong sense of control yet lack thereof. As if everything hinged on me and I had to protect the others

BACKGROUND INFORMATION My father passed away almost 2 years ago. Since then I've struggled at keeping my sense of self while making sure my mom is OK. I've had several changes w my bf of 6 years. he recently had some negative news regarding his prostate. I'm scared we will not be able to have kids but yet resentful that we did not start sooner ,though it was because of his inability to face reality and responsibility.

Posted at Dreamsymbolism.info February 25, 2012, 05:06 by mm10002 (Viewed times)

Unclesirbobby (POSTED February 25, 2012, 09: 6: 59)
Well to me the main part of the dream that stands out is the need to keep quiet. I believe that dreams pinpoint the key feelings inside us - and in this case the need to keep quiet maybe links with this type of thought - "My boyfriend has problems with his prostate. If we had got started with children earlier then it would not have been a problem. I blame him for that. Yet I do not want to say anything(I need to keep quiet)."

Often we have to keep resentments quiet - the truth would hurt too much and cause too much. Our dreams revolve around intuitions like this

This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Dream meanings - scorpion chasing my son
• Tiger in the house - dream dictionary meaning
• Dream symbolism - roller-coaster
• Snake is almost dead - dream analysis
• A loving mother - dream analysis
• Tropical storms dream
• Sucking co-workers breasts dream
• Earthquake Dream
• Boyfriend with ring - dream analysis
• Snake crawls over me - dream analysis
• Niece drowned dream
• Gang raping my daughter
• Dream symbols - cute little puppy wags tail
• A dream about a friend who turns nasty
• Dream interpretation - rescuing girlfriend from drowning
• Is this guy real
• Crocodile mouth dream
• Future with boyfriend dream!
• Looking Back dream
• Bitten by dog - dream analysis
• Dream symbols - chocolate bar from boss
• Identical babies- dream analysis
• Kate Winslet dream in doctors basement - dream interpretation
• Dream of a secret place
• Dream symbolism - plane takes off but crashes

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com