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THE DREAM - Family being torn apart. A demon/devil tried to kill me with an evil power by directly touching me. He told me he's been trying to kill my brother but his powers have no effect, not even the cancer. His powers had no effect on me either. He held a large knife in his hand and told me he was going to slit my throat and cut out and kill my unborn child. I sat and watched him attack another young girl.
This dream was posted on on the July 14, 2011, 07:04 by a worried soul. It was viewed 173 times
BACKGROUND INFORMATION :My husband is in jeopardy of being deported and we have a baby on the way.
COMMENT Well its easy to see how the devil represents immigration authorities. The demon turns on others. Most dreams just represent your emotions. Understanding them does not help you. They simply tell you how you feel. Your unborn baby being killed represents the feeling that you are being targeted. Violence in dreams refers to your emotions.
by unclesirbobby
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