dream analysis study

THE DREAM:The dream had something to do with football. I was supporting a new football team. I was forming a close connection as a supporter. I was wanting to show my loyalty to the new team and my opposition to other football teams. The team was Millwall. There was also a part of the dream which was about WAGS (wives and girlfriends).

THE REALITY : The dreamer would soon be moving home into a shared house. He would have to form new friendships with the new people he was going to meet. Supporting a football team is a good symbol as forming new friendships involves a lot of the same features as following a football team, such as loyalty to your group (football team).

The new football team in the dream was Millwall which probably has a strong symbolic meaning. Millwall have a song which features the line "No one likes us, we don't care". So the dream was probably about forming new friendships to the exclusion of others.

The dream also mentions wives and girlfriends. This is probably linked to the dreamer hoping to get a new girlfriend as he would have lots of opportunities to meet new potential girlfriends.

DREAM MEANING: This dream captured the following thought - "I will soon be forming a whole new load of friendships as I am moving into a new shared home. I will have to build up some new loyalties. Who knows I might even get a new girlfriend."

This was a changes dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• A tornado dream and its symbolic meanings
• Multiple tornadoes dream
• Defeated army dream
• Sister driving up steep hill easily - dream dictionary
• Cannot climb hill - dream analysis
• Cleaning up blood after doctors appointment
• Sears Tower dream
• Dream symbolism - unfamiliar place
• Suffering from cancer dream
• Dream interpretation - forgotten or lost purse
• Set dogs on rapists dream
• Dream about buying alcohol.
• Admiral Lord Nelson dies after Victory - dream interpretation
• A dream about having your laptop stolen
• Huge house with TV - dream analysis
• Death comes to kill me dream
• Needing help dream
• Ex turns off intersection - dream interpretation
• Dirty cats - dream analysis
• Indian Chanting dream
• Dream - beautiful scene as horse is put down
• Dream interpretation - old boss asks me to eat
• Purple nail polish dream
• Crush missing dream
• Dream - baby horse newly born and removal truck

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com