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How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM - I am in some town centre. It is the public square. A person comes up to me and says that is not very polite.
THE REALITY The night before the dreamer had been playing music very loudly late at night and the dream was about the need to be more considerate to others.
DREAM INTERPRETATION Town centres are often symbols of the need to consider the opinions of others. Often this will involve a simple need to think of others. In this case the dreamer had been playing music too loudly late at night. He had not realised the time and it was very late. He felt a touch of regret at his actions.
Symbolic Meanings
GENTLEMAN : "need to act properly - in this case play music at a level which will not disturb"
TOWN CENTRE : "a very public situation where you need to take into account the opinions of others - the dreamer realises his music will disrupt neighbours"
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "Just before going to bed last night I realised that it was really very late. I thought it was about twelve o'clock but then I realised it was two in the morning. I had been playing loud music and realised I had been a bit inconsiderate to my neighbours"
This was a thinking dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
Old junk - dream interpretation
Dream of a huge tornado funnel
choking puppies dream analysis
Dream analysis about gangs
Gun dream and its analysis
Crying around hospital bed - dream interpreting
Dream symbolism - murdered Jesus
Degas dream
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Suburban area and suicide spot - dream analysis
Towering building
Rat And Dragon dream
Dream - asked to make cup of coffee
Dream interpretation - feel like a celebrity
Dream - the wilderness with evil women and prince
Ex driving my car - dream interpretation
Dream symbols - bland Thanksgivings meal
Fish trying to communicate dream
Dream symbolism - fireworks at grandparents
stealing and fake money - dream symbolism
Dream analysis - cannot recognize members of church
Dream dictionary - violin full of drugs
Dream interpretation - plane will not take off
Dream - judge,frown and cheating
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at