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THE DREAM I was on a ghost ship. There were a few crew members around whowere very much pirates. I was chasing one little girl and having some fun and she ran to her room where it was very very hot. as I got to the door way something warned me not to cross the red line in the floor or that is where I would have to stay. I decided that it was too hot so I started looking in other rooms.
I found one room with a very beautiful gypsy dancer as I entered her room I looked down for the red line but there was not one. So I asked her where her red line was and she moved her hair and It was on her neck.
The ship sailed and we had a good time. we pulled into a port which was really bad. There were girls that were crucified into all sorts of positions and they were in agony. when we pulled into the port the town was on fire. As we went exploring into the local tavern we met other ghosts that were mean. they tried to kill us. They had something called a ghost blade. It was any blade that had the effect of killing a ghost.
One came after me and cut me on the hand and I started to bleed. He wanted to prove to me that he had a ghost blade and could kill me any time he wanted to so I needed to watch my step.
later in the bar I walked up to the same pirate that threatened me with a sword in my hand. The sword is the very first sword I bought in real life. He scoffed at me asking "What are ya gonna do with that boy" so I ran him through. and he stood there just drinking laughing at me saying that ain't no ghost blade. I just simply smiled at him. I turned the sword up so that the sharp edge was now facing up and it started to glow blue.
I sliced him in half from the stomach to the head and he dropped dead. The rest of the evil pirates started coming after me but they were all moving in slow motion. I cut through them one by one. until they were all dead.
Then the dream changed a couple of times. I was in my cabin when Tom Cruise walked in he was wearing a long red jacket with a ruffled collar and he was going to beat me up because I was attracted to the gypsy girl early in the dream. The one with the red line across her neck.
He took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves. I told him I was not going to fight himbut he said that I dishonored him and I needed to be taught a lesson but he was drunk. we started to scuffle I was trying not to hurt him. Then he hit me which made me really angry. I grabbed a glass pot and smashed it on the ground and it turned to dust in my hands and I told him to knock it off or that I was going to turn him into dust the same way I just did the glass jar.
Then it was storming bad and the ship was falling apart. I was on a plank floating in the water. With another one of the pirates and I saw the fish jump around us. I knew the only reason that fish jumped out of the water was when a bigger fish was after them.
They knew it was a shark so they put me in a glass bubble near the shore and were trying to close the lid but the shark was partially inside and its teeth were inches away from me . they were pulling him back away from me and that is when my alarm went off.
GUESSWORK The previous night the dreamer chased his house mate around the room because she flashed him. He finds her very attractive and pretends to ravage her.
The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here
1. The gypsy dancing girl clearly represents the house mate. A gypsy dancing girl can be sexy and wild just like the wild mood his house mate is in.
2. The dreamer is looking for a line in the dream and that possibly represents his worries about 'crossing a line' or boundary. It OK for him to pretend to ravage her but that's a line which is easily crossed especially in the heat of the moment.
3. Pirates are a lawless race and could easily represent the dreamers pirate like activity - ravaging the girl. 4. Ghosts can represent something that is not quite happening. In this case he is not really ravaging the girl. Its just pretend. Its not really taking place - only in some joke like way.
DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the incident the previous night where the dreamer pretended to ravage his house mate. The dream deals with the following themes
- Pirate like activity such as ravaging
- Sensual activity
- Lines and boundaries within relationships
If you weave together the different themes you find that they could capture this thought that the dreamer was thinking at the time-"I pretended to ravage my house mate yesterday because she flashed me. Its an awkward situation really and I am not sure what to do next."
Dreams will often be about such fears. Dreams are about the reality of our emotions. They bring to life possible painful feelings that we may have to encounter. In many cases such dreams help us overcome problems by making us value relationships much more and try to put differences aside.
This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
• A tornado and sunshine - dream dictionary
• Fighting Anaconda with machete - dream analysis
• Huge waves drowning - dream analysis
• Showing respect and not offending -dream analysis
• Digs biting- dream dictionary
• Skyscraper collapses dream
• Lots of large rats dream
• Spiders and open wounds dream
• Pick pockets - dream analysis
• Dream interpretation - rescuing girlfriend from drowning
• Rats,worms,flies and maggots
• Missing someone dream
• Ignoring my father dream interpretation
• Grand Hotel in dilapidated state dream analysis
• Swarms of flies and father warns - dream symbolism
• Guidance of angel
• Flirting with other men - dream dictionary
• Judge and jury and blood dream
• dog bite dream
• Dream of a secret place
• Young women on bus dream
• Cat killed a bird - dream interpretation
• My boyfriend died - dream analysis
• Dream symbols - past girlfriend
• Angry dog dream
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at