dream analysis study

THE DREAM This is a summary of a longer dream. In this dream I was exploring a new work space that was not working out. I was shown a glass booth and told "you can lease this workspace but you will still be working with us independently." I sensed this was the latest workplace scam against workers. Looking around the location I went round some cupboards and saw a huge lake of icy water filling up. This workplace was going to be flooded so there was no use salvaging anything - not even my purse which I was holding as the dream ended. I noticed my feet did not get wet and I was a bit surprised as the area was very flat. I had expected water to be lapping around my feet by then and it wasn't.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION I was at a prayer group yesterday and suddenly got a strong desire to just get up and leave without explanation. I found the ladies just too religious and I didn't like it. I resisted this desire using my sense of good manners to guide me.

My husband shared when he got home that he had a strong desire to walk out of his workplace at about the same time due to a workplace incident that imposed a huge amount of work onto him.

In my dreams water usually represents emotions. For me in this dream, I faced a huge body of icy water that was flooding my area and did not get my feet wet. This is new to my dreams - I seem to be up to my neck in water so I really noticed the change.

In truth I feel I am facing a future where money will not help me overcome the challenges. A different set of skills is needed so in the dream it seemed pointless recovering my purse.

I believe hard times are coming but I feel able to face them even if they are likely to be overwhelming.

Earlier this week we were notified a friend of ours has just been diagnosed with incurable cancer - it has already disseminated throughout his body. This morning I got an email letting me know a good friend I love dearly has had an 8 hour operation for a benign brain tumour. I had noticed though Facebook chatter yesterday she had get well wishes but I had no idea why. She wrote to me personally to let me know and I read the message just now. That is why I decided to post this dream. It helped me face the news I had sensed was coming.

Posted at Dreamsymbolism.info August 29, 2012, 19:03 by Iceberg Rose (Viewed times)

This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• War zone dream
• Staying calm with snake - dream interpretation
• Get away with stealing dream
• Germans torturing a secret agent - dream analysis
• Giving a baby up for adoption dream
• Running away dream!
• My Father's Visit
• Sisters loft - dream analysis
• ignored by boss - dream analysis
• Mermaid - dream analysis
• Best friend swears - dream analysis
• Psychological analysis of a knife dream
• Psychological analysis of a homeless dream
• Topless shoot - dream interpretation
• Fruit shop - dream interpretation
• Meteor sets moon on fire - dream analysis
• Falling from great height dream
• Huge mansion and criminal gambler dream symbolism
• Dream about whale.
• Stabbing at football match - dream dictionary
• Engagement ring missing - dream interpretation
• Dream analysis about dangling from church spire
• Dream - sharks, vacation,husband,Russia, Kremlin and Russian
• Chopping dogs heads off - dream analysis
• Killing snakes - dream interpretation

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com