dream analysis study

THE DREAM: I was at my grandmother and grandfathers house and I was happy just talking to them. It was a very homely atmosphere. I then went to the supermarket. I was looking for some malt loaf(which I often used to get a piece when I was young). I got the malt loaf but it had no filling. Later I was looking for alcohol(a bottle of whisky). I realised that they did not sell any. There was some alcohol but it was in a section where you had to ask for it(it was stored behind the counter).

THE REALITY : In real life the dreamer had been living in a residential care home for 3 months. He had been suffering from alcoholism before he came there. He was now living quite contentedly finding the company of fellow disabled people to his liking. Dreams use metaphors to depict your emotions. The homely atmosphere in the dream was a symbol for the homely atmosphere at the care home he was living in. The alcohol was a symbol to show that drinking was no longer an option for him. If he wanted alcohol he would have to ask for it permission, which would more than likely be refused.

When you get a dream try to think up a quote which captures the various symbolic meanings in the dream. This dream captures the dreamers thoughts about "a homely atmosphere" and "alcohol not been an option any more". Join these two together and you get the following quote "I am quite content at the homely atmosphere at the care home. I know now that alcohol is not an option any more."

This was a changes dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Sister driving up steep hill easily - dream dictionary
• Fighter is shipwrecked - dream interpretation
• Dead bird - dream analysis
• A boxers last fight - dream symbolism
• Dream about picking up half smoked cigarettes
• Worried dream
• Sears Tower dream
• Tornado Dream
• Tutor gives money - dream analysis
• Secret rooms - dream interpretation
• Empty house - dream analysis
• Dream interpretation - forgotten or lost purse
• Trapped in room dream
• Dream analysis showed a dream linked to changes in the persons life
• A dream about having your laptop stolen
• Huge house with TV - dream analysis
• Mass Murder in a dream
• Cricket and football dream interpretation
• Indian Chanting dream
• Dream - beautiful scene as horse is put down
• Flying with an eagle
• Dream interpretation - old boss asks me to eat
• Dream - baby horse newly born and removal truck
• Dream interpretation - bridge breaks
• Sunken treasure - dream analysis

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com