dream analysis study

THE DREAM In my dream there was an amazing looking half cast guy and he was just everything I look for in a guy. We met at a college that I wasn't familiar with but we were both going to. He was older than me and I was so involved by him all I wanted to do was break up with my boyfriend. It didn't even cross my mind not to.

BACKGROUND INFORMATION I've been with a guy for 10 months now, he cheated on me on his work do with a girl who wasn't very attractive therefore making me feel inferior and stupid but at the same time it made it easier to forgive him because of this. He's going to live with his dad for 3 months and again going on a 'lads' holiday for a week. We don't speak all the time and its a chilled out relationship.

Posted at Dreamsymbolism.info March 26, 2012, 04:01 by indigodreamer (Viewed times)

Unclesirbobby (POSTED March 26, 2012, 09: 1: 36)
Sometimes dreams are just like short plays. They tell a story which sums up your emotions. This dream just seems to say "If someone better came along I would have no hesitation in dumping my boyfriend"

Dreams can be that simple really

Iceberg rose (POSTED March 27, 2012, 15: 2: 26)
I agree with the interpretation but would add this - why wait for someone better when you can loose him now.

This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Dream interpretation - boyfriend spends a lot of money on another girl
• Annoying person dream
• Dream symbols - workshop
• Apocalyptic dream
• Smog dream interpretation
• Son is drowning - dream interpretation
• Reunion - dream dictionary
• Aeroplane never takes off dream
• Dream interpretation - overheard boyfriend
• Impressing women - dream analysis
• Boyfriend got killed dream
• Trombone dream
• Prince and Princess dream
• Frozen shark dream
• Chased by a killer whale dream
• My son and fire dream
• Flying in plane over the mountain
• Shark dream
• Introduced to friend - dream symbolism
• Cat not recognized - dream analysis
• Journal or Diaries being sold
• Highly rehearsed - dream analysis
• Insecure flat in mansion - dream analysis
• Horse dies dream
• Accidently killed kitten dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com