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Thetawaves and dreams
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THE DREAM I had a dream about snow and hardship and struggle. It seemed like the deepest winter. A girl seemed to touch the scene with her finger and instantly the winter blues disappeared.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION The previous evening I had been watching a DVD about paratroopers in the second world war. The battle scene was in the depths of winter. In some ways I identified with the emotions of the soldiers. I felt their emptiness and hardship because my life is often so difficult. When I woke up in the night I was filled up with good feelings about a girl at school I am in love with. When I think of her all the hardship in my life goes away instantly.
This was a emotional dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind
A fearsome wolf dream interpreted
whale song - dream symbolism
Dream symbolism - rape
Beautiful fresh baby dream
Ballet school - dream analysis
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Ticket checked - dream interpretation
tornados and numbers dream
Special operations - dream interpretation
Dream symbolism - kiss ex boyfriend
Family cut up by killers dream
Drowning in car - dream interpretation
Dream - dog cheetah and killing dream
Mom grabs snake - dream interpretation
A dream about a horse and a young foal
Swept away dream
Wanting to see some porn pictures - dream analysis
Dream interpretation - freaked out crazy maniac
Gross dead naked bodies dream
My boyfriend has died dream
Good nightmares and werewolf
Happy dream
Dream - a beautiful view
A nice hot bath
Sea waves and sound files - dream interpretation
If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at