dream analysis study

THE DREAM I was walking about and didn't really know what I was doing. I was trying to get a camera to work. Then at one point I was at Osgodby near the coast and I was getting help from an old man in a wheelchair. He reminded me of the genius Stephen Hawking who is now dead. He was showing me how the camera worked. He was very clever despite his disability. He was old and had a very long beard.

THE REALITY The dreamer had just recently got a camera. He had been having trouble getting it to work. He had been trying to edit photos after the event. Now he was trying to take a perfect picture immediately by getting the settings right so bypassing the need to edit the photos. He had been the location in the dream just a couple of days ago and all the walking he had done had worn him out. This was getting to be a regular thing that after any exercise he was virtually unable to walk for a couple of days. He was feeling his age.

There were several associations that the dreamer was able to make. The dream involved a camera and so the it could be about his photography. It seems like a literal symbol as the dream also featured a location very near where he had taken photos the the day before. The dream also featured the inside workings of the camera which was also a good association as the dreamer was unable to use software as much because of the expense to correct faults in the photos. He was learning how the camera worked with the help of someone who was disabled.

The dream then captures this thought - I have been trying to master how to take photos by finding the perfect setting each time. I am getting used to it. However, my biggest problem has been that I am getting exhausted having to walk so much. I am becoming old and disabled."

So then the dream symbolism works in the following way. He is the disabled man in the dream. He is trying to use his intelligence to master the photography just like in the dream.

This was a health dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Race dream analysis
• Stuck on ridge dream
• Rats and mice - dream symbolism
• Feeling tired dream
• Cliff edge dream
• Dream symbolism about best friend from school
• Head in hands - dream interpretation
• Dream - assessment by police and homeless officer
• Dream - King has died
• Jesse Jay - dream symbolism
• Dream interpretation - headline news
• What does it mean - helping disabled dream
• Fish escapes - gross and disgusting dream analyzed
• Dream symbols - pet dog barking
• Blood in the penis dream
• Plane crash - dream analysis
• An old wives tale about fish dreams
• A dream about getting old and incapable
• Amazing Race dream
• A dream about a club which opened on a nighttime.
• Dream symbolism - stupid aliens
• What does it mean - helping disabled dream
• Fear of crossing - premonitions
• Feeling tired - dream dictionary
• Police and riots - dream symbolism

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com