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THE DREAM I dreamed I was in an apartment (not one I recognized) and that I was staying there temporarily. There was food on the table, some sort of cooked meat on a long tray.
Inside the fridge was a chocolate brown horse lying on its side with its eyes open. Only half of its torso was there. it didn't look dead but it must have been because of the cooked meat on the counter.
No one was eating the meat but it was just there. I think I just felt so sad that such a beautiful horse had met its end. The horse looked beautiful even if it was in the fridge and half of it was missing.
GUESSWORK The dreamer had gone sailing with a friend on the Friday and she had spent the rest of the weekend wondering if he was OK. He seemed to be hit hard by a break up. He had 'retired' from dating as he put it. She was very sad that her friend did not seem himself. He seemed very lonely but also accepting of that loneliness. He seemed to have a broken spirit.
The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here
1. The dreamer likes all types of food and is definitely not a vegetarian. So the dream would probably not be about her objection to any type of food.
2. The dreamers friend reminded her of a thoroughbred. He is athletic, long limbed and very much the outdoor type.
3. Death in dreams can signify the end of something. The dreamers friend seemed to not be himself. He was entering a new phase. Maybe the dream captured his new personality. The dead horse representing his broken spirit.
4. The horse in the dream made the dreamer feel very sad. Emotions in dreams can simply reflect and mirror real life emotions. In real life the dreamer felt sad about her friend. Maybe the dreamjust captures that sadness.
DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers friend who seemed very lonely and not himself. The dream deals with the following themes
- A feeling of sadness.
- A very athletic "Throroughbred" type person.
If you weave together the different themes you find that they could capture these thoughts -"My friend is becoming very lonely. I feel a sadness for him. He used to have a great passion but now nothing."
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at