dream analysis study

THE DREAM- I am fighting with this man. We are struggling hard. Then I think I am watching the fight. At one stage one of the men points a gun at the others horse. This wins the fight because the man does not want to have his horse shot. His horse even realises that it is going to be shot and appears very nervous.

Then I am upstairs at my granddads workshop. Cannot remember anything else from there then someone is pointing at me.

Then at one point I am standing up and sitting down really fast. Suddenly someone else is sat next to me - we seem to be connected and in front of me are two men who seem to be connected. One of them is very weird.

THE REALITY The day before the dream the dreamer had taken part in a very heated discussion. His friend had been going through a trauma with people who were attacking her character. Realising the intense nature of the discussion he then decided that he should step very carefully with this matter. He felt that he too could become the target of the passionate arguments. That arguments could be twisted and connections made to himself. If he started to point out the flaws in the arguments of his friend then maybe he would become the target.

THE INTERPRETATION So how can we link the dream to the reality. Horses are always symbols of intense passion and energy. They can easily represent the dreamers friend and her passionate views - she was in a mood to take anything in her path. The horse knowing it is going to be shot is perhaps symbolic of the need to recognise that passion. The message then was that the dreamer should be careful how he treads. He feared that he could easily be dragged into the debate which was something he wanted to avoid.

The first scene also deals with the different perspectives. He had tried to stay unbiased and perhaps try to present the other side of the story to his friend. That is symbolised by the changing perspectives.

The scene in my granddad's workshop links grandfathers with working. Grandfathers symbolise wisdom and experience - so that relates to the dreamers need to use wisdom and use all the experience he had to handle the situation.

For the dreamer the last part of the dream symbolised a connection. He felt that he and the weird man were connected in some way. So therefore this symbolises the need to tread carefully with his friend or else she might turn her guns on him. She was obviously very passionate about her thoughts and if he became too involved with the "other side" she might make some weird connections and then turn her sights on him.

So overall the dream symbolises the need to tread carefully during this difficult situation. At first he wanted to present a possible alternative viewpoint. Yet then he decided it was best to just tread carefully. He should recognise the delicate nature of the situation and support his friend. He should recognise the passion of her views and support not question her. Pointing out the flaws in her arguments was not the best course of action. It may link him with the opposition. From which point she may make some weird connection and turn the guns on him

Dream Dictionary
FRONT : immediately obvious parts
GRANDDAD : "the passage of time - allowing the dreamers friend time to calm down"
GUN : "focusing on something in particular - aiming at people she blames"
HORSE : "realising the dreamers friends passion on this matter. Noticing how unpredictable she is"
MAN : "male emotions - realising that he should not push things too much"
WORKSHOP : "working on some emotional situation"
UPSTAIRS : "coming to a conclusion on some matter"

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I realise she is still very upset about this. She was blamed unfairly. I do not want to get too much involved right now because if I start trying to talk to her she may turn on me. She is in an unpredictable mood. I think time will help her sort this out".

See how the Symbolic meaning portray a key insight the dreamer has about his friends state of mind

This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• A dream where you are bitten by a snake
• Public toilet dream
• Get away with stealing dream
• Community leader and snake - dream interpretation
• Running away dream!
• Perfect smile - dream analysis
• Wild animals charging - dream analysis
• Iraq dream
• Save and resuscitate - dream symbolism
• Tornado and a strange talking head dream interpretation
• A tornado dream and unfamiliar house
• World War Three - dream analysis
• Girl strips off - dream analysis
• Ghost in Haunted Apartment
• Find safe place in tsunami - dream analysis
• Dream analysis - Michael Moore
• Dream symbolism - gave girlfriend phone
• Lion sprinting dream
• Dogs follow me dream
• Conflict with people at work
• Dream interpretation - world record cold temperature
• Dream symbolism - police shooting
• Dilapidated house dream
• Stamp on a snake - dream interpretation
• Best friend swears - dream analysis

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com