dream analysis study

THE DREAM My dream begins in a hospital. I am dressed in white sick room clothes, there are two other young men in similar clothes in the room. There are four beds and the predominant colour in the room in white. I am pacing the room always aware that I am about to be hanged to death! The noose hangs near one of the beds and I seem to have the option of walking away from the noose but something keeps forcing me to the noose. Finally one of the other men puts on a white hangman's mask and signals me to the noose. I walk to the noose and suddenly images of my family flash across my head and I firmly refuse to be hanged, throw the hospital clothes off and walk out of the room. Needless to say the initial feeling was of fear, hopelessness, loneliness and everything that goes with it. When I walked away from the noose, I woke up from sleep and felt VERY happy.

THE REALITY The dreamer was facing an important interview in two days. He was suffering from an ailment. He was worried that he maybe ill and not able to put his case across well.

THE INTERPRETATION dream will quite often be about some prominent emotions from the day before. Other dream are about the future and how we are relating to some problem. In this case the dreamer was desperate to get better because he was due to have an interview. Just like in the dream he was desperate to shed his hospital clothes. He knew that if he was ill he would probably not get the job. He had to be at his best.

An execution is very much like a deadline in some ways. An execution takes place at a set time on a set day(just like a job interview). The time up until the execution would pass slowly and painfully.

Dream Symbols
BED : "something that affects you in a very personal way - in this case its about health"
CLOTHES : "how you feel inside - the signals you send out on any particular day or during some situation - in this case the dreamer is feeling ill"
DEATH : "moving into a new phase"
EXECUTE : "a date you are dreaming - in this case a deadline for getting better"
HOSPITAL : "in this case a need to recover from this illness"

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I have to get well because I have an job interview in two days time. I just will not get the job otherwise"

See how the symbolic meanings form together to capture a key thought

This was a nextday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Dream - in bed sleeping and talking to granddad
• Dream symbols - uphill bus on the moors
• Scrubbing walls dream
• Dream about riding a railway
• Dream about a present and a card
• Bracing walk on a beach dream
• A tornado dream on a beach
• Nearer my God to thee on Titanic - dream analysis
• Snow falling dream
• Pretty girls - dream interpretation
• Scared of tornado - dream analysis
• Saved the place dream
• Alligator,tornado and puppy dream analysis
• Dream - steep steps
• Marie Antoinette dream
• Executed in real life - dream analysis
• Dream interpretation - Large department store
• Police Station dream
• Coping with asthma dream
• Still alive - dream symbol
• Killing snakes dream
• Enemy territory dream
• Billboards and New York - dream interpretation
• Dream - wanting a strawberry cake
• Cats in huge house - dream symbolism

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com