dream analysis study

THE DREAM I was in a school bus, sitting next to a nice man, who I was beginning to feel a level of comfort, trust and attraction towards. We were in casual conversation. All of a sudden, a black man got up, and held a gun out telling everyone to be quiet. I am not prejudiced at all, I hate racism. So, I was really perplexed (and of course scared) when I woke up from the dream. Well, in the dream we were all held hostage, and somehow, even though I was sitting in the second seat from the front with the nice man I was talking to previously, I found myself hiding in the front seat. I was laying on the seat and shaking. I was telling myself, as the gunman was talking telling everyone to be really still and quiet, that he knows I'm in the front seat, and pretty soon he's going to come get me. All of a sudden, he pointed the gun right at me, I saw the bullets in the barrel. I knew he was going to shoot. I also somehow knew the man that I was talking to previously would help out. I managed somehow to get from under the gun, while the nice man was tugging at the gunman. I started to bite the arm of the gunman, I knew I was biting hard enough to tear flesh, in order for him to drop his gun. I didn't want to actually tear into him, but I didn't know what else to do. After that, I woke up.

GUESSWORK The dreamer had just spent the weekend with her best friend. Her friend was telling her about her new boyfriend (a black man). Her friend had always joked about how they would grow old together never getting married and helping each other out. But now her friend was telling her how her new boyfriend was a potential life partner. The dreamer was feeling jealous and happy for her at the same time.

The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here

1. FEELING THREATENED. The main part of the dream shows the dreamer feeling threatened. That can be symbolic of feeling threatened in a much milder and emotional way. The dreamer felt threatened in that her relationship with her best friend was not to be as strong as she thought. Her best friend now had a potential life partner.

DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers worries about her relationship with her best friend. The dream deals with the following themes
- Feeling threatened in some way
- a nice man
- A black man

If you weave together the different themes you find that they could capture these thoughts -"My friend was just describing her new boyfriend ( a black man). He seems to be the man for her. I feel jealous and happy at the same time. I know he is nice but I cannot help feeling threatened - I will lose my friend to him."

This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Snake threatening me dream
• Get away with stealing dream
• End of the world - dream analysis
• Dream symbols - wanting to ask psychic
• Dream symbolism - intimidating man
• Dream symbols - email from sister
• Mother warning - dream analysis
• kidnapped - dream analysis
• ignored by boss - dream analysis
• Dream symbols - huge college
• Grandmother falls - dream analysis
• Daughter lost - dream analysis
• Psychological analysis of a homeless dream
• World War Three - dream analysis
• Dream symbolism - steal from tutor
• Fruit shop - dream interpretation
• Swapping positions - dream analysis
• Feeling fulfilled - dream analysis
• Hospital bed - dream dictionary
• Dream symbols - out of control
• Dream about whale.
• Stab my boyfriend dream interpretation
• Low flying dream
• Demand expenses - dream interpretation
• A perfect fit - dream analysis

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com