dream analysis study

THE DREAM This was a gangster dream. The story seemed to be that it was OK to to do gangster type things. I was killing someone and getting rid of the body. However, it was not considered right and proper to burn the body. A gangster would most likely burn the body to get rid of evidence. Yet here I was being 'taught' (do not know by whom or why) to behave properly. It was proper to allow the body to be recovered so that the the widow could bury the body.

Quite often the mind is quite settled and in such cases we will devote time and energy in the mind into thinking about things generally considered quite trivial. In this case the dreamer had been thinking about a TV reality show. In the episode he saw the night before he had seen some bitter rivalries. But then teams were switched round and this made really interesting viewing. The enemies were now team mates. One person who had been a really bitter rival was eliminated because no one wanted to choose him. If he had behaved in a proper manner playing fairly then he would have survived

The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here

The dream has the following associations and symbolic meanings.
1. Gangster. A gangster is someone who behaves ruthlessly and will do anything to win. This was a relevant theme as far as this TV program was concerned. The TV show had featured some very ruthless behavior
2. Widow. A widow is someone you should show respect to and allow them time to grieve for their loss. In this sense is may be relevant to the real life situation. The losers of a TV reality show should be given time and treated respectfully if they lost.
3. Right and proper. The right and proper way of doing things and showing respect were very definite themes in the TV show. Those who had won immediately had to team up with people who they had humiliated and mistreated. One person who did not show respect got booted off the show just after this 'win'.

DREAM ANALYSIS It is fair to assume that the dream is about the dreamers thoughts about this TV reality program. The dream seems

to deal with the following themes:
- Behaving ruthlessly
- Being fair
- Showing respect for others

If we weave together these symbols we find that they build up the following thought process - "That TV show last night made me really think. They were really becoming bitter rivals. But then they swapped the teams round. One guy was not picked and so got eliminated. He had been behaving very ruthlessly and was not treating people with respect"

This was a thinking dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• sex with brother in law - dream interpretation
• Dream symbolism - Formula One car
• Dream analysis about gangs
• Dream - disaster earthquake hits Washington
• Spectacular tsunami scares off surfer - dream
• Dream - Businessmen
• Dream interpretation - feeling sad
• Distressing replay of TV scene - dream analysis
• Gentleman like - dream interpretation
• Dream symbols - choice of two different meals
• Attractive ladies - dream interpretation
• Cleaning pee and embarrassed - dream interpreting
• Dream symbols - girl uses my locker
• Leaving lights left on dream
• Zoom in on meteor - dream interpretation
• Gangster murder dream
• A trawler and plane crash - dream interpretation
• Crocodile attack - dream
• Suicide by jumping off - dream interpretation
• Gas Poisoned
• Comforting house dream!
• Dream symbols - buy drink for lecturers
• Moving dream
• Dream dictionary - violin full of drugs
• Dream - judge,frown and cheating

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com