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How to make a dream dictionary
THE DREAM - I am collecting bits of a jigsaw. They seem to be all over the place. I wonder if the jigsaw is many jigsaws put together. Jigsaw pieces are literally everywhere. Its going to be a huge task.
THE REALITY This was one of my own dreams. I had been compiling a dream dictionary. I was starting to realise that this was a huge task.
THE INTERPRETATION In the dream the dreamer is thinking that something was a huge task. This was simply mirroring a real life situation where the dreamer was compiling a huge dream dictionary.
The jigsaw was an excellent symbol for the dreamers real life task of compiling a dream dictionary. Each dream symbol was a piece of this giant puzzle. Together the pieces would help form a picture which represented the dreams meanings.
Dream Dictionary Meanings
HUGE TASK : "A huge task in the dream was linked huge task in real life was "
JIGSAW : "The dreamer was compiling a dream dictionary in real life. Each dream symbol and each symbolic meaning was part of this giant jigsaw puzzle."
DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I have been compiling this dream dictionary. Its a huge task but each extra portion will help people make sense of their dreams. "
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If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at