dream analysis study

THE DREAM - I am in in my home. Suddenly the people are within it. They are intruding right into it. There seems to be a partition within the house and the intruders are in this part and have every right to be there.

THE REALITY The dreamer had been very ill. He had the opportunity to move into sheltered housing with a warden. He was worried that his independence would go. How much power would these wardens have over him.

DREAM INTERPRETATION Dreams link to key problems in our life. Often they link to key thoughts from yesterday. In this case it links to a key issue that has been at the back of the dreamers mind for a few weeks. He is thinking of moving into sheltered housing. He worries that the warden system is very intrusive and will lead to him losing independence. Hence the dream features an intruder within his home.

Symbolic Meanings
HOME : "The dreamers thoughts about his home."
HUGE HOUSE : "The dreamers personality and the outside worlds influence on it. The pressures from outside which shape your personality. The illnesses which force change upon us."
INTRUDE : "The dreamer feared sheltered housing. He was worried that wardens could intrude into his house"

DREAM MEANING The dream has captured the following feeling within the dreamer - "I have become very ill. I am now faced with having to live in sheltered housing. I just worry how much power these wardens will have to just come in and check on me"

Try to see how the dreams meaning links in with some key worries within the dreamer.

This was a depressionhealth dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Jumping off face first - dream analysis
• Stagnant pond water - dream interpretation
• A parasite telepathic - dream interpretation
• A nice warm bed - dream analysis
• Lights switched on in house - dream analysis
• Depression and feeling suicidal dream analysis
• Mother shakes off snake - dream interpretation
• Dream symbols - snake eggs and PTDS
• Roman army - dream dictionary meanings
• Dream symbolism - dark ravine
• Dream symbols - good teacher
• Playboy Mansion dream interpretation
• Surviving fall - dream analysis
• Needing friend - dream analysis
• Intruders in my house dream interpretation
• Dream symbols - taking confession
• Children tortured dream
• Screaming face - dream analysis
• Police clothes - dream interpretation
• Dream interpretation – work at the library
• Elated - dream analysis
• Feeling lost and losing wallet - dream analysis
• Father worried about house dream analysis
• A dream interpretation about walls moving
• Doubting the doctor

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com