dream analysis study

THE DREAM I am at home in bed. I wake up and immediately know that their is an intruder. I leave the bedroom and just catch him before he enters the bedroom. I tell him to get out. I keep repeating this. He was someone who I really don't mix with.

THE REALITY The day before the dreamer saw this person in the street. He almost looked him in the eye. In real life he never mixes with him. Yet this moment he almost said hello as he mistook him for someone else.

DREAM ANALYSIS Dreams will very often be triggered by events the day before. If met the person in a dream the day before then try to link it to those events. In this case the dreamer nearly behaved in a way which would have been out of character. He nearly spoke to the person in the dream. The dreamers response reaffirms his normal behaviour. He does not give this person any chance to get into his life. He does not make eye contact.

Symbolic Meanings
INTRUDER : "This intruder was someone the dreamer did not like and who he generally tries to avoid because he makes him feel uncomfortable(he finds him intrusive)"

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I bumped into this person in the dream yesterday. I nearly looked him in the eye and spoke to him. I really don't like him but almost recognized him as someone else. "

Try to see how the dreams meaning links in with the different symbolic meanings above.

This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Snake threatening me dream
• A dream about playing with a baby
• A dream about wolves forcing their way in
• Public toilet - dream interpretation
• kissing man - dream interpretation
• Nervous about porn shop - dream interpretation
• Running for public office - dream
• Mother warning - dream analysis
• Mutant - dream analysis
• Very annoyed - dream analysis
• Dream interpretation - difficult climb
• Disaster (tidal wave) dream
• Little and large song - music in dreams
• Feeling fulfilled - dream analysis
• Family of whales - dream interpretation
• Chased by a dragon dream
• Dogs follow me dream
• dead body and sailing ship - dream interpretation
• Crossgates - dream analysis
• Dream analysis - chased into a swamp by guys
• Dream symbolism - police shooting
• Dream analysis about dangling from church spire
• Dilapidated house dream
• Poison food dream analysis
• Killing snakes - dream interpretation

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com