dream analysis study

THE DREAM - I was at my childhood home with my parents. I was in the garden and acting very boldly and confidently in sorting some plants out. I heard my parents say "He's got a job." The dream seemed to have a happy and busy feel to it.

GUESSWORK The dreamer had been very withdrawn because he was unemployed. Just recently he had gained a friend who he saw as a role model. He was pleased to know someone who was successful and had a job. This person accepted him despite his lack of job and other faults.

The "Guesswork" stage of interpreting a dream involves spotting issues likely to cause dreams. For help with this click here

1. The dreamer was very sensitive about being unemployed. So having a job during the dream will relate to any feelings that revolve around lack of self esteem.
2. Just recently the dreamer had been encouraged by a friend. He saw her as a role model. A role model in a dream could easily be portrayed as a parent. The dream also captured his current mood of self confidence and self esteem.

DREAM ANALYSIS In guesswork the dream was linked to the dreamers improved self esteem. Its easy to see how the dream deals with the following themes:
- improved confidence
- a role model

If you weave together the different themes then you find that the dream could easily capture this following feeling - "My new friend has helped me feel more confident and self esteem. I have been more confident mixing with people who have jobs. My friend is successful yet is happy to be with me"

This was a personality dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• So many insects - dream analysis
• Speed bump dream
• Seduction - dream analysis
• Run down house dream
• Large mansion - dream analysis
• Dream about people intruding
• Porn dream - a psychological analysis
• Favourite Aunt dream and church
• Superman swimming underwater - dream interpretation
• Saved from castle dream interpretation
• Dream - pet stag
• Dream symbolism - Mrs Shock
• Helicopter and skyscraper - dream interpretation
• Drunk or drugged - dream analysis
• Dream about avoiding people
• Newly built bridge
• Drains overflow in house - dream
• Big dolphin dream
• War zone dream
• A dream about being back at school taking exams
• Dream interpretation - hollow tree
• A dream interpretation about washing machines
• Learning from others
• Refitting work to be done
• Betrayed and disappointed dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com