dream analysis study

THE DREAM I was getting married. The dream started on my wedding day. Me and my husband were sitting on this long bench like stool. We acted out a scene in a movie that we liked to watch that was when a guy realized that he wanted to marry this female. It was so good, we were facing each other looking in each others eyes playing the role out so well because its how we really felt.

After we got through everyone was clapping and was like "wow they really do love each other" it was just the intensity of the acting and how we said the words we were acting out. After that we were sitting together of course and I was just staring at him, I loved him so much. When they pronounced us husband and wife he kissed me on my lips. Even though we kissed like that, it was intense, I felt chills that I was finally his wife.

Throughout the reception I would just grab him and tell him how much I love him. Kiss him on the side of his face because I was so pleased. Towards the end of my dream he was sitting there watching me like he was amazed lol. I was just talking and talking and I was like "forget it I QUIT". Just then he said to me looking in my eyes and shaking his head with a grin". You know that's what got me. The first time I ever seen you I heard you say "I QUIT" and I said she's going to be my wife. I fell in love with you then and I didn't even know you", I think you said it a few times that just got to me. But I think it was the 11th time you said It to me I felt something else, and I got on my knees and proposed to you". He said baby I loved you before you knew me, I felt inside that you was the one for me without you even saying a word. He's never told me anything like this before and it made me love him even more. He wasn't like the other guys I had been with. He was my soul mate.

THE REALITY The dreamer and her ex were wishing to get back together for almost two years. They had been too stubborn to take that step though. But because of the dreams the dreamer broke out of her stubbornness and made a phone call. They then started to see each other on a different level. Their friends used to call them soul mates and could not believe that they broke up.

THE INTERPRETATION Often dreams are about your emotions. So its best to find out what the emotions are of the dreamer. There are clues from the dream - it obviously deals with issues of love. The dreamer in this case had just had a five year break from relationships. She was now ready to start getting involved again.

In the dream there is a realization. The dreamer realizes that the man wished to marry the woman. It is a moment of recognition. That is really what pins this dream down. The dreamer realized that her ex was her soul mate.

Also in the dream they are acting yet they do not mind acting because they realize that this is what they want. Perhaps this matches reality. The dreamer attempted to form a new relationship with her ex. She was very much "playing a role". In real life she started to see him in a new way. She was intent that they would not make the same mistakes again.

Real life is also linked to in several ways. The quote "I QUIT" mimics the way that they split for no good reason.

Movies in dreams can often be symbolic of the real and dramatic stories of your life. The dream is in some way referring to these major episodes of our lives. In this case it referred to the previous boyfriend.

Weddings in themselves need not symbolize marriage. In this case it maybe just links to the renewed sense of commitment and devotion to each other. That was certainly the case in the dreamers mind - she was certainly ready for a new commitment. Its not an easy dream to link to reality but in this case it was a dream very much about emotions. Those emotions will be apparent to the dreamer. She was bound to recognize such feelings as they emerged from her subconscious. Such a dream is more likely to be solved by the dreamer. But that is nearly always the case anyway.

Symbolic Meanings
FACE : "being true and honest - the dreamer needs to face her true feelings about her ex"
GRAB : "a need to grab the moment and be bold"
KISS : "an agreement - a need to accept her affection towards her ex"
MARRY : "showing a commitment or showing your faith in something/someone - the dreamer realises her love for her ex"
MOVIE : "replaying some event - the dreamer is replaying her relationship with her ex. She is realising that they have a close bond and get along with each other"
WEDDING : "a serious commitment "

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I realise the simple message of the dream is that I really do love my ex husband. We have been friends for ages and should really get together and accept our feelings."

See how the Symbolic meanings weave together to form a key insight

This was a relationship dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Mother lion dream
• Fiancé saves me dream
• Apocalyptic dream
• Snake crawls over me - dream analysis
• Dream - penis in food blender
• Place on plane
• A plane crashes and cars spin - dream meaning
• Three coyotes walking with me!
• Dream symbols - child in tantrum crying
• Boyfriend slams on brakes dream
• Boyfriend cheating dream
• Frozen shark dream
• Tsunami in dream
• Rescue a seal dream
• Poisonous snakes
• Hugs from ex boyfriend - premonitions
• Boyfriend leaves you for another girl dream
• Poison a Rottweiler dog
• Message dream
• First alien dream
• Old crush getting proposal - dream interpretation
• Dream symbols - finding a bed
• dog bite dream
• Two dead blood covered bodies - dream interpretation
• Young women on bus dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com