dream analysis study

THE DREAMI had a dream that my husband and I went on a trip and there was a woman that just went to him and started kissing him. He looked so happy and enjoyed kissing her and I thought "what a hell, I will let him enjoy it for a while, he looks happy" and I went out on the porch. Then waited there for few minutes and then I thought: "well he is probably done kissing her", but when I went inside he wasn't there. Then I was mad and I thought :"that idiot, now he is going to have sex with her". Why did I let him kissing her. Then I woke up while I was looking for him.

THE REALITY The night before the dream the dreamer took her husband out to dinner for his birthday. He looked so happy and enjoyed the food, ate more then he should and was a uncomfortable later. Usually the dreamer tries to remind him not to each too much but that night she thought, "he looks so happy and enjoying the food I will let him eat as much as he wants and whatever he wants". In her dream she had the exact same feeling cross her mind.

DREAM MEANING The dream captures the following feeling within the dreamer - "I took my husband out for dinner last night. He really enjoyed himself but probably ate too much. He just cannot turn down something that he likes."

THE INTERPRETATION Dreams use metaphors to express their meanings. In this dream the dreamers husband goes overboard and has sex with these other women. It is the feeling that is important. The husband has overstepped the mark.

The exact same feelings were expressed in the dream as in real life. The dream is about her feelings about her husband and his inability to control himself. He did not stop at kissing these other women. That is the point the dream is making. The exact story line is irrelevant. The dream expresses the dreamers wish for her husband to behave with moderation.

Its exactly the kind of thing that people dream about. The dreamer is looking at some new feeling based on her experience from the night before. The emotions in her mind are updated by the dream. Many people would think it odd that the dream about kissing is actually about her husband over eating yet dreams are symbolic. They use metaphors. They say that one thing is like another thing. That is how feelings are formed. That is how the intuitive unconscious brain works. It uses metaphors. A dream will not compare one thing to itself. Its pointless saying that a sunset is like a sunset. A dream will compare a sunset to a beautiful woman bathing or to something else equally evocative.

Symbolic Meanings
SEX : "something appealing - the dreamers husband found the food attractive and simply couldn't control himself"

This was a bigyesterday dream - here are some other dreams of the same kind

• Protected by SAS - dream
• Dream about a war with a sniper
• Dream of an aggressive border collie
• Sex with man I know - dream interpretation
• A dream about wolves forcing their way in
• Torture dream
• Public toilet - dream interpretation
• Tardis and time travel dream
• Baby in a purse dream analysis
• Staring dream
• Dream symbols - Raped by guys
• My Father's Visit
• Dream interpretation - little boys playing happily
• Untidy house - dream analysis
• Mischievous little twerp - dream analysis
• Huge black tornado - dream analysis
• Scream or help - dream analysis
• Little and large song - music in dreams
• Remote control - dream interpretation
• Dream dictionary - fight with men and horse gun shot
• Avoid Darleks on main street - dream analysis
• Snake chasing me - dream analysis
• Accusing woman dream
• Best friend swears - dream analysis
• Embarrassed dream

If you have a dream to add to our huge bank of dreams then email me at colincoupland5@gmail.com